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BS EN 16179:2012 pdf download

BS EN 16179:2012 pdf download.Sludge, treated biowaste andsoil- Guidance for sample pretreatment.
sample divisaon
1OC.U of selecting one or more subsample. from a sample of a population
ISOURCE. Iso 11074.2005. 4.6.91
test sample
.natytical sample
sample, prepared from the laboratory sample. froni which test portions are removed for testing or for analys
test portion
quantity ci’ materiel, of proper size. to, measiserneril of the concentratn or other property of interest. remOved from the test sample
Note ito.y The test portion my be telian from lie fIeld wrpl or from lie .bor.tory sample edy ii no preparebon of the samples required (eg sith bqul), taR e,muaty 45 taken from lie prepared test sample
Note 2 to inly: A unit or nuenier* of proper homogen.ty, site. and fineness, needing no kws’ier preparation, may be a lest porbon
ISOURCE ISO 11074:2005.4 3.131
4 Safety remarks
Sp.caI precautions should usualy be taken for samples from contaminated material It s Enpowt to avoid any contact with the skin and sp.cial measures should be taken when drying such samples (ventlalion, aim removal. etc). Samples may b. hazardous because of the presence of chemical contaminants, fungal spores. or pathogens such as IeptospWosIS.
Appropriate riabonal safety precautions ehall be followed
5 Principle
5.1 General
Pretreatment m tttis European Standard is the process of preparrig the test portion from the field sample The operations and treatment steps are dMded into pretrealmerit procedises sulable In the field (Claus. 8) and pretreatment procedures that are restricted to be performed in the laboratory (Clause 10).
N is wnportant to note that the methods and instruments desaed are meant as examples for suitable routine procedures A laboratory may decide to use other procedures andlor instruments as long as the requweinents of the analytical task are met (see Clause 10),
Another u?Ipo.tan( item concerns the pert of the sample defrvered to the laboratory *Iiadi shall be taken for the determinations and the pert of the sample wtlpd’i Is removed before starting the tests Depending on legislative or other demands only specifIc fractions of the sample may be analysed (e.g. the fraction c 2 mm), Extraneous materials shell be separated and recorded.
In case parameters are analysed in the fraction c 2 mm usually lie results of the tests refer to the fraction c 2 mm. Using the mass fraction > 2 nvn and the extraneous material removed from the sample the results also can be calculated referring to the mass of the whole sample. The report shall clearty stale to which fraction the results refer.
Beside the requrements even in lIve European Standard. the subsequently applied analytical standards shah be regarded for particular requlements to be observed The detemlinabon 04 some parameters requwes sample pretreatment soon after sampling as sp.cifwd lithe respectw• analytical methods
If several parameters are being investigated, the sample pretreatment shal be d.s.gn.d so that he parameters of major wnportance are determñng the pretreatment If this Is riot possete, eg. the requred precision for each parameter can not be achieved, separate pretreatment shall be sat up for each group of parameters
Whenever volelde compounds are to be determined, the process of sample pletreltmenl can result na substantial loss of the.. compounds. Sample pretreatment shall be omitted m these cases by taking sp.cthc samples for the determination of volatile componenls These samples shah be pretreated in accordance with the appropriate analytical standard and analysed as soon as posuble alter sampling.
When preparing compo.Ib samples the analytical requirements shall be considered. For example. composite samples are not appropnete If volatile compounds are to be determined.
Figure 1. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show flow charts for
— pretreatment for inorganic and physico-chemical parameters in solid sludge, treated biowaste and sod (Figure 1),
— pretreatment for organic parameters in solld sludge, treated blowaste and od (Figure 2).
pretreatment for Inorgarlc. physaoo-chemical and orgemc parameters Ii bqiad sludge (Figur. 3)
Aside from the parameter to be determined, the procedure to be applied also depends on the requred minmiurn mass of the sample to be used in relation to the maxrnum parlici. size D,1 of the sample. For this the relationship descrted in ISO 103814 Is used (see Table 2 Wi 8.3).
Grinding of the sample depends on the mass of tie subsample being taken. Table 1 eves the reqiirements Iota wide group of parameters.
For scm. parameters the requirements stated in 8.3 need not to be followed exactly as the homogeneity of the samples Is enough to obtain adequate results for those parameters.
EXMLES dry mener tetal otgerlc compounds (ICC). pH. EC.

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