BS EN 16301:2013 pdf download
BS EN 16301:2013 pdf download.Natural stone test methods —Determination of sensitivity to accidental staining.
6.2 Test specimens
6.2.1 Surface finish
For identification test and comparison, the specimens shall have a matt finished surface”.
NOTE Schist and slate are exceptions to this rule, They can be tested on natural cleft surface.
For “technological tasting”, surfaces with a roughness > 0,5 mm are not suitable for testing due to the risk of damaging the apparatus.
6.2.2 Dimensions
One sample set consists of three test specimens sized, minimum 300 mm by 100 mm, and thickness as in use (maximum 30 mm). Alternative dwriensions can be used if different cleaning equipment is used.
6.2.3 Testing environment
The test specimens shall be placed in (23 ± 5) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity during the entire stain exposure.
Daylight or artificial light D65 is used duflng the photography and the evaluation.
6.2.4 Pr.-conditlonlng and treatment of the specimens
Marble and limestone shall be dried Wi (40 ± 5) “C for one week before the test. Other stone types shall be dried in (70 t 5) “C for at least 24 h.
Commercially used stone products are sometimes impregnated en some way to make them easier to clean. The traditional treatment of carbonaceous stones Is soft soap. which partially seals the pores and makes the surface a bit more hydrophobic. For standard test the stones shall be non-treated as a reference. If a carbonaceous stone type Is tested, one set should also be treated with soft soap 2,5 vol. % solution in water. or similar which is recommended by the Stone Industry federations. The soap treatment is not mandatory, but highly recommended.
Instruction for the treatment with soft soap:
the solution is sprayed on with a hand-pumped spray;
— after 3 h: The next layer is applied:
after another 21 h: The excess shal be rinsed off under running water.
The test specimens are kept in (23 ± 5) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity for a minimum 16 h before applying the staining agents.
If a surface treatmenllcoating chemical or impregnation chemical shall be tested, the procedure of applying ttis shall be documented and follow the manufacturer’s instruction.
7 Procedure
7.1 Documentation of the test specimens
Document the test specimens by digital pteoography before the stains are applied. Use daylight or artificial light D65. The photographs should be scaled.
Mount the cleaning cloth and the holder to the scrubbing ami.
The stained surfaces are then washed with a Net Abrasion Scrub Tester,
— Ten cleaning cycles (10 strokes back and forth) shall be used in all tests.
— Rinse the surfaces with 150 ml water to remove residues of the cleaning solution.
Condition the test specimens for 24 h in (23 ± 5) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity before they are photographed and evaluated.
— Photograph the test specimens In using the same scaling and light conditions used to photograph the test specimen before staining.
8 Evaluation of staining and expression of the result
A visual observation of the residual staining shall be made according to the following classification:
1) unchanged
2) light change
3) moderate change
4) severe change
The visual assessment is to be performed in daylight or artificial light 065.
Etching effect (gloss change) from acidic staining agents shall be assessed separately. The same classification Is used and the result Is reported separately. The evaluation can be done En a reflecting light.
Note that an etching effect is, in cases, also observed as a colour change. The use of a gloss meter is not recommended.
See Annex B. with photos exempllfy,ng the difference between the grades.
The evaluation is performed by three persons individually. The three stains on each test specimen are evaluated as a oup. Each stain type Is evaluated separately. Present the mean value as an integral number (1. 1, 2 1). If the result of two evaluators differs more than one grade, the evaluators have to come to consensus by discussion.
9 PrecIsion
No inter-comparison trial has been performed between different laboratories. The repeatability is based on the fact that three different persons evaluate the changes by using 3 categories, The acceptable difference between the persons is maximum 1 category. If there is more than 1 scale deviation between any of the evaluators they shall discuss until consensus is reached.
10 Test report
The test report shall include the following information (when relevant):
a) name and address of the testing laboratory.