BS EN 40-5:2002 pdf download
BS EN 40-5:2002 pdf download.Lighting columns——Part 5: Requirements for steel lighting columns.
14.5 Welding
14.5.1 Welding and inspection personnel
Test results for welders as required in 7.3, and training records as required in 13.6.2 shall bc kept current and made available ftr review on request.
14.5.2 Welds
Welding surfaces shall be free from sharp edges, spatter and contaminants.
The throat dirnensioas of butt welds and the leg length and apparent throat dimensions of fillet welds, as measured by welding gauge and taking into account lack of lit, shall not be less than those spccificd except that local shortfalls of up to 0.5 mm shall be accepted provided the average over any length is not less than (he specified dimensions.
The external toe angle shall not be less than 1100.
The surface of all welds shall be free from cracks and lack of fusion including overlap. Isolated discontinuous porosity will be accepted provided it is not detrimental to the surface protection o he provided.
Undcrcut shall not result in a section loss of more than 5 % over any 50 mm length of joint, nor shall its depth exceed 0.5 mm or 10 % of the design thickness, whichever is the less.
Work shall be deemed acceptable when the above criteria are met.
14.5.3 Non-desiructive inspection
If the additional non-destructive inspection checks reveal satisfactory welds then the lot shall be deemed acceptable.
Where surface breaking porosity. cracking. lack of fusion, lack of penetration or gross internal porosity is confirmed by follow-up pcnctrant testing according to EN 571-I, the columns shall be deemed to fail. Clause 15 shall apply to the status of the lot.
14.5.4 I)e.siructive inspection
Where destructive inspection to 13.6.4 has been agreed, compliance with 14.5.2 and EN 288-3 shall constitute acceptance.
A verification of compliance in accordance with 13.7 shall be provided.
A.l Hot clip gals Hot dip galvanizing of areas A. B and C of all thickncsscs should comply with the requirements of EN ISO 1461.
Further optional protection after hot-dip galvanizing:
Area A: a protcctivc coating:
Area B: a coat of bitumen or si,nilar
Area C: no further treatment.
A.2 Thermal spraying with metals and painting
The preparation of the surfaces of the areas A and B to receive the metal spray should he by blast cleaning to grade Sa 2½ in accordance with ISO 8501.1.
The metal coating of zinc or aluminium should be applied to a local coating thickness of UI least 84) pm in accordance with the requirements of ISO 2063.
Subsequently. the following should be applied:
Area A: no further treatment or a coat of pnmer
Area B: a coat of primer or a coat of bitumen or similar:
Area C: a coat of bitumen or similar. A..1 Phocphatlng and painting
Areas A. B and C should be pickled and phosphated in accordance with ISO 9717. The mass per unit area of the phosphate coating should be at least 4 gJm2.
Subsequently, the following should he applied within 24 h:
Area A: a coat of piimer.
Area B: a coat of primer or a coat of bitumen or similar:
Area C: a coat of bitumen or similar.
A.4 Painting
The preparation of the surfaces of the areas A and B to receive the coating should be by blastcleaning to grade Sa 2/ in accordance with ISO 8501-1.
Subsequently, the following should be applied within 24 h:
Area A: a coat of primer;
Area B: a coat of primer and/or a coat of bitumen or similar;Area C: a coat of bitumen or similar.