BS EN 438-8:2009 pdf download
BS EN 438-8:2009 pdf download.High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL)- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) Part 8: Classification and specifications for design laminates.
S Requirements
5.1 Compliance
High-pressure decoralive design laminates ciassitiea in I aoie 1 snali compiy witn au appropriate requirements
specified in 5.2, 5.3 and 54. This applies to both full-size sheets and cut-to-size panels.
5.2 Inspection requirements
5.2.1 General
Inspection shall be carried out In accordance with EN 438-2:2005. Clause 4, at a distance of 1.5 m.
5.2.2 Colour, pattern and surface finish Pearlescent
When Inspected In daylight or 065 standard lllumananL as specified in ISO 11664-2. and also under tungsten- filament lightning Illuminant A as specified In ISO 11664-2. a slight difference between the corresponding colour reference sample held by the supplier and the specimen under test is acceptable.
As colow and surface finish are critical, it is recommended that sheets are checked for colour and surface- finish compatibility without protective film before fabrication or installation.
Some of these products are directional in surface finish or colour and they shall be installed In the correct orientalion Metal
When Inspected in daylight or 065 standard illuminant, as specified in ISO 11664-2. and also under tungsten- filament lightning illuniinant A as specified in ISO 11664-2. a slight difference between the corresponding colour reference sample held by the supplier and the specimen under test is acceptable.
As coloix and surface finish are critical, It Is recommended that sheets are checked for colour and surface- finish compatibility without protective film before fabrication or installation.
Some of these products are directional in surface finish or colour and they shall be installed in the correct orientation. Small indentations in the surface are unavoidable,
5.22.3 Wood veneer
Due lo the fact that wood Is a natural product, each veneer may be considered as unique. Slight colour and structure differences are considered as normal. Singularities such as knots and resin Inclusions are not considered as defects, but as a part of the decor. There are differences in light fastness performances depending on the wood species and the source of the wood.
5.2.3 Reverse side
The reverse side of single-sided sheets shall be suitable for adhesive bonding (e.g. sanded). In the case of sanded backs, slight chatter marls shall be permitted.
52.4 Visual inspection General
The following inspection requwernents are intended as a general guide, indicating the minimum acceptable quality foi’ laminates. Cut-to-size panels and certain applications involving full-size sheets may call for special quality requirements which can be negotiated between suppher and purchaser: in such cases the following requirements may be used as a basis for agreement. Only a small percentage of sheets In a batch (the level to be agreed with the customer) shall contain defects of the minimum acceptable level.
52.4.2 Surface quality
The following surlace defects are permissible:
DIrt, spots, dents and similar surface defects
The admissible size of such defects is based on a maximum contamination area equivalent to 1,0 mm2tm2 of laminate and is proportional to the sheet size under inspection
The total admissible area of contamination may be concentrated in one spot or dispersed over an unlimited amount of smaller defects.
Fibres, hairs and scratches
The admissible size of defects Is based on a maximum contamination length equivalent to 10 mmlm2 01 laminate and Is proportional to the sheet size under Inspection.
The total admissible length of contamination may be concentrated in one defect or dispersed over an unlimited amount of smaller defects.
52.4.3 Edge quality
Visual defects (e.g. moisture marks, lack of gloss, corner damage) can be present on all tout edges of the
laminate, providing the detect-f ree length and width are at least the nominal size minus 20 mm.
5.3 DImensional tolerance requirements
5.3.1 Dimensional tolerance requirements for peartescent laminates
Dimensional tolerance requirements for pearlescent laminates are specified in Tables 2 and 3.