BS EN 50130-5:2011 pdf download
BS EN 50130-5:2011 pdf download.Alarm systems -Part 5: Environmental test methods.
17 Sulphur dioxide (SO2) (endurance)
17.1 Object of the test
To demonstrate the ability of the equipment to withstand the ccrrostve effects ol sulphur dioxide as an atmospheric pollutant.
17.2 Principle
The test consists ol exposing the specimen to a test atmosphere containing sulphur dioxide at a constant temperature and high relative humidity. The test conditions should maintain the surface temperature of the specimen above the dew point. The presence of hygroscopic materials on the specimen or formed as corrosive products may. however, lead to condensation appeanny
17.3 Test procedure
17.3.1 General
The test apparatus and procedure shall be generally as described in EN 60068-2.422003. except for the relative humidity of the test atmosphere. which shall be maintained at (93 ± 3) % instead of (75 ± 5) %.
17.3.2 InItial measurements
Before the conditioning, subject the specimen to the .rvtial measurements required by the product standard.
17.3.3 State of specimen during conditioning
Mount the specimen as specified in the product standard. The specwnen shall not be supplied with power during the conditioning. However, it shall have untinned copper wires, of the appropriate diameter, connected 10 sufficient terminals to allow the functional test to be made alter conditioning, without makrng further connections to the specimen.
17.3.4 Conditioning
Apply the appropriate severity of conditioning shown in Table 11.
17.3.6 Final measurements
Immediately after the conditioning. subject the specimen to a drng period of 16 h at 40 °C, 50 % RH, followed by a recovery period of at least 1 Li at standard laboratory conditions, and then subject the specimen to final measurements required by the product standard and then inspect it visually for mechanical damage both externally and internally.
18 Salt mist, cyclic (endurance)
18.1 Object of the test
To demonstrate an adequate level of protection against corrosion for equipment exposed to the elements.
18.2 Principle
The test consists of exposing the specimen, when mounted in its normal position, to a specified number of periods of spraying by a salt mist, each followed by a period of storage under humid conditions.
18.3 Test procedure
18.3.1 General
The test apparatus and procedure shal comply with the requirements of EN 60068-2-52:1996.
18.3.2 Initial measurements
Before the conditioning, subject the specimen to the initial measurements required by the product standard.
18.3.3 Stat. of sp.clm.n during conditioning
The specimen shall be mounted in its intended orientation in accordance with the manufacturer’s instalation instructions, using any weather protection accessories provided, and the appropriate cable and cable glands etc,
The specimen shall not be supplied with power dunng the conditioning. It shall, however, have untinned copper wires, of the appropriate diameter, connected to sufficient terminals to allow for the functional test to be made after conditioning, without making further connections to the specimen.
22.2 Principle
The lest consists of subcting the specimen to sinusoidal vibration at a level and over a frequency range appropriate to the service envwonment. The specimen is subjected to a sweep cycle of the frequency range for each of its main functional modes (e.g. quiescent, alarm and fault warning conditions) applied in each of three mutually perpendicular axes.
22.3 Test proc.dur.
22.3.1 General
The test apparatus and procedure shall be generally as described in EN 60068-2-6:2008.
The vibration shall be applied in each of three mutually perpendicular axes, in turn. One of the three axes shall be perpendicular to the normal mounting plane of the equipment.
The vibration operational test may be combined with the vibration endurance test, so that the specimen is subjected to the operational test conditioning followed by the endurance test conditioning In each axIs.
22.3.2 InitIal measurements
Before the conditioning, subject the specimen to the initial measurements required by the product standard.
22.3.3 State of specimen during conditioning
Mount the specimen and place it in the configuration and operating condition(s), as specified in the product standard.
22.3.4 Cendltlonlng
Apply the appropriate severity of conditioning shown in Table 16.