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BS EN 50554:2010 pdf download

BS EN 50554:2010 pdf download.Basic standard for the in-situ assessment of a broadcast site related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
Simultaneous exposure to fields of different frequencies is the common case at broadcast sites and has to be taken into account dunng the public and wor1er exposure assessment
If a national or local relevant regulation treating multiple sources is available then this regulation 5hall be applied. If not, a threshold level has to be set, linked with the level of protection: each relevant source needs to be included to evaluate its influence.
4.6 Area to perform a detailed assessment In 121. it is stated:
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Every place where the public andlor workers can access needs to be assessed The emissions from a broadcast site only need to be taken into account within its relevant domain.
5 Assessment methodology In the relevant domain when the exposure situation changes
5.1 Introduction
Change is defined as a variation in the exposure situation which has not been previously assessed.
5.2 DetermInation of the Threshold Distance (TD)
The TV is the minimum distance out Iron, the boundary of the controlled area at which compliance with the basic standards (EN 50413 and EN 50383) is achieved at all heights when considering emissions Iron, the site alone. EN 50413 and EN 50383 give the methodology for determining the threshold distance using the radiation pattern of the antennas.
The TI) shall be delemlined by the broadcast operator of the highest authonzed ERP value on the site
In the absence of data to carry out the required calculation, the threshold distance can be defined by using a worst case configuration of the services.
An example of a simple method for estimation of the TV Iron, a broadcast site Is described in Annex A.
5.3 Area definition
Assessment of the overall exposure can be made by many stakeholders
The analysis is split into three areas:
I) area A. inside the controlled area.
m) area B: outside the controlled area of the site but within the threshold distance;
n) area C: outside the threshold distance but inside the relevant domain.
5.4.3 For area B
In the absence of national rules the stakeholders may be the service operator, the site operator, and local and/or national authorities.
In the absence of national rules, the site operator Is responsible for gathenng the data required for the assessment w4lhr area B Including:
q) RF data from the site (similar to the data collected for area A):
r) RF data from signals onginating outside the site (to collect from national or local authonties) or the worst case charactenstics of these services:
s) environment information such as building planning applications, exclusion areas following local rules, etc.;
t) measurement data (according to EN 50492) if available or make a survey, testing the areas around Installations with wideband or selective measurement equipments.
In the case where areas B of different sites overlap, site operators should share the information,
In the absence of national rules, the assessment will be carried out following the methodologies chosen from EN 50413 and EN 50492. In cases where there is more than one operator on the site:
u) If the exposure change results from a change In emission characteristics, then the operator responsible for the change will be responsible for gathering the dataicarrylng out the assessment.
v) if the exposure change results from an environmental change, then the broadcast operator giving rise to the highest contributions will be responsible
Generally, theoretical exposure assessment should be performed before any environmental change authonzation. If the assessment shows that exposure Is over the limits, the operator doing the assessment alerts the other parties. Together, all parties will determine a way to comply.
The operator carrying out the assessment writes the report and communicates the resull to the site operator.
The site operator keeps a record of the report until the next change
5.4.4 For area C
Area C results in determination of ER and Ti) during assessment for area B
The same approach as in area B should be used. However, in this case, the data collection does not include environmental information.

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