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BS EN 54-12:2002 pdf download

BS EN 54-12:2002 pdf download.Fire detection and firealarm systems——Part 12: Smoke detectors —Line detectors using an optical light beam.
4.8 Limit of compensation
The detector shall emit either a fault or alarm signal at the limit of compensation for the effect of a slowly changing response (signal).
Since it is practically impossitile to perform tests with very slight increases in smoke density, an evaluation of the detector’s conformity shall be made by analysing the circuits/software and/or by physical tests and simulations.
4.9 Additional requirements for software controlled detectors
4.9,1 General
For detectos which rely on software control m order to fulfil the requirements of this standard, the requirements of
4.9.2 and 4,9.3 shall be met.
4.9.2 Software design
In order to ensure the reliability of the detector, the followlng requirements for software design shall apply:
a)the software shall have a modular structure;
b)the design of the interfaces for manually and automatically generated data shall not permit invalid data to cause error in the program operation;
c)the software shall be designed to avoid the occurrence of deadlock of the program flow.
4.9.3 The storage of programs and data
The program necessary to comply with this standard and any pre5et data, such as manufacturer’s settings, shall be held in non-volatile memory. Writing to areas of memory contalning this program and data shall only be possible by the use of some special tool or code and shall not be possible during normal operation of the detector
Site-speciftc data shall be held in memory which will retain data for at least two weeks without external power to the detector, unless provision is made for the automatic renewal of such data, following loss of power, within 1 h of power being restored,
4.10 Fault signalling
A fire alarm signal shall not be cancelled by a fault resulting from a raped change in obscuration (in accordance with 5.6) or by a result of the limit of compensation being reached (in accordance with 4.8).
NOTE If vanatlons In these parameters have a significant effect on a measurement, men such vanations should be kept to a minimum during a series of measurements camed out as part of one test on one speorneri.
5.1.2 Operating conditions for tests
If a test method requires a specimen to be operational, the specimen shall be connected to suitable supply and monitoring equipment with ctiaracteristics as required by the manufacturers data. Unless otherwise specified Ii the test method, the supply parameters applied to the specimen shall be set within the rnanufacture?s specified range(s) and stiall remain substantially constant throughout the tests. The value chosen for each parameter shall normally be the nominal value, or the mean of the specified range.
If a lest procedure requires a specimen to be monitored to detect any alarm or fault signals, then connections shall be made to eny necessary ancillary devices (e.g. through wiring to an end-oNine device for conventional detectors) to allow a fault signal to be recognised.
The details of the supply and monitoring equipment and the alarm criteria used shall be given ri the test report.
5.1.3 MountIng arrangements
The specimen shall be mounted by its normal means of attachment and aligned in accordance with the manufacture?s instructions- If these instructions describe more than one method of mounting, the method considered to be most unfavourable shall be cttosen for each test.
5.1.4 ToI.canc.s
Unless otherwise stated, the tolerances for the environmental test parameters shall be as given Ii the basic reference standards for the test (e.g the relevant Part of IEC!EN 60068).
If a requirement or a test procedure does not specify a tolerance or deviation limits, deviation limits of ± 5 % shall be applied.

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