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BS EN 54-5:2001 pdf download

BS EN 54-5:2001 pdf download.Fire detection and firealarm systems——Part 5: Heat detectors— Point detectors.
4.9 Marking
Each detector shall be clearly marked with the following information:
a) the number of this standard (i.e. EN 54-5);
b) the c*ass(es) of the detector (eg. Al. AiR, A1S, A2, B etc.). If the detector has provision for on-site adjustment of the class (see 4.8). then the marking of the class may be replaced by the sbol P;
C) the name or trademark of the manufachxer or supplier;
d) the model designation (type or number);
e) the wiring terminal designations;
t) some mark(s) or code(s) (e.g. serial number or batch code), by which the manufacturer can identify, at least, the date or batch and place of manufacture, and the version number(s) of any software contained within the detector.
For detachable detectors, the detector head shall be marked with a), b), c), d) arid f), and the base shall be marked with at least d) (I.e. Its own model designation) and e).
Where any marking on the device uses symbols or abbreviations not in common use then these shall be explained in the data supplied with the device.
The marking shall be visible during installation of the detector and shall be accessible during maintenance. The markings shall not be placed on screws or other easily removable parts,
4.10 Data
Detectors shall either be supplied with sufficient technical, installation and maintenance data to enable theE correct installation azid operation or, if all of these data are not supplied with each detector, reference to the appropriate data sheet(s) shall be given on or with each detector.
For detectors with provision for on-site adjustment of their class, these data shall identify the applicable classes and shall descnbe the method of programming (e.g. by selecting a switch position on the detector or a setting from a menu in the control and Indicabng equipment).
NOTE: Adddional information may be required by organizations cerlifying that detectors conform to two requirements of this standard.
4.11 Additional requirements for software controlled detectors
4.11.1 General
For detectors which rely on software control in order to fulfil the requirements of this standard, the
requirements of 4.11.2, 4.11.3 and 4 11.4 shall be met
4.11.2 Software documentation The manufacturer shal submit documentation which gives an overview of the software design. This documentation shall be In sufficient detail for the design to be inspected for compliance with this standard and shall include at least the following.
a) a functional description of the main program flow (e.g. as a flow diagram or structogram)
1) a hoot description of the modules and the functions that they perform;
2) the way in which the modules interact;
3) the overall hierarchy of the program:
4) the way in which the software interacts wtti the hardware of the detector:
5) the way in which the modules are called, including any interrupt processing.
b) a description of which areas of memory are used for the various purposes (e.g. the program. site specdic data and running data):
C) a designation, by which the software and its version can be uniquely identified. The manufacturer shall have available detailed design documentation, wtch only needs to be provided if required by the testing authority. It shall comprise at least the foilowmg:
a) an overvew of the whole system configuration, including all software and hardware coniponens:
b) a description of each module of the program, containing at least
1) thenameofthernodule:
2) a descnption of the tasks performed:
3) a description of the interfaces, including the type of data transfer, the valid data range and the checking for valid data.
C) full source code listings, as hard copy or in machine-readable form (e.g. ASCII-code), including all global and local variables, constants and labels used, and sufficient comment for (tie program flow to be recognized;
d) details of any software tools used In the design and implementation phase (e.g. CASE.toois. compilers).

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