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BS EN 60904-4:2009 pdf download

BS EN 60904-4:2009 pdf download.Photovoltaic devices一 Part 4: Reference solar devices一Procedures for establishing calibration traceability.
a) Any measurement insirument required and used in the transfer procedure shall be an instrument with an unbroken traceability chain.
b) A documented uncertainty analysis.
c) Documented repeatability, such as measurement results of laboratory Intercomparison. or documents of laboratory quality control.
d) Inherent absolute precision, given by a limited number of intermediate transfers.
NOTE I Normally lila trarrit.r would b. front a i.cOcdary standard to a PV rater.rica solar ccii constitlitirIg a primary rSff•nOS
NOTE 2 Thc transfer Irom 0cc reference solar dcvic to another is coorcd by 1EC 110904-2
5 UncertaInty analysis
An uncertainty estimate according to MISC UNCERT — ED. 1.0 (1995-01) shall be provided for each traceable cahbratlon procedure. This estimate shall provide information on the uncertainty of the calibration procedure and quantitative data on the following uncertainly factors for each instrument used in performing the calibration procedure. In particular
a) Component of uncertainty arising from random effects (Type A).
b) Component of uncertainty arising from systematic effects (Type B),
Nevertheless a full uncertainty analysis has to be performed for the implementation of the calibration method by a particular laboralory.
6 Calibration report
The calibration report shall conform to the requirements of ISOIIEC 17025 and shall normally include at least the following information:
a) title (e.g Celibration Certificate);
b) name and address of laboratory, and location where the tests and/or calibrations were carried out. If different from the address of the laboratory:
C) unique identification of the report (such as serial number) and of each page. the total number of pages and the date of Issue:
d) name and addres5 of the client placing the order:
a) description and unambiguous identification of the item(s) tested or calibrated;
1) date of receipt of calibraton Item(s) and date(s) of performance of test or calibration, as appropriate:
9) calibratIon results including the temperature of the device at which the calibration was perfoi-med.
h) reference to sampling procedures used by the laboratory where these are relevani to the validty or application of the results;
I) the name(s), title(s) and signature(s) or equivalent identification of person(s) authorising the report:
j) where relevant, a statement to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested or calibrated,
7 Marking
The calibrated reference solar device shall be marked with a serial number or reference number and the following information attached or provided on an accompanying certificate:
a) dale of (actual or present) calibration;
A.1 General
This annex describes examples of calibration procedures for PV reference solar cells as primary reference devices, together with their stated uncertainties, These procedures serve to establish the traceability of reference solar devices to SI units as required by IEC 60904-2 Primary reference devices calibrated in accordance with these procedures serve to establish the traceability of further PV reference solar devices.
As already mentioned in Clause 1, the methods in this annex are limited to PV single junction technology. Moreover, they have currently only been validated for crystalline Silicon technology, although they should be applicable to other technologies
The methods have been Implemented In various laboratories around the world and validated in international interconiparisons. most notably the World Photovoltic Scale (WPVS). However, the description In this standard Is more generalised. For details of the various implementations, the references in peer-reviewed publications are given at the end of each procedure
The uncertainty estimates are based on U (coverage factor k — 2) for all single components. The combined expanded uncertainty is calculated as the square root of the sum ot squares of all components. The uncertainties provided are simplified versions (restricted to the main components) as provided by the laboratories havmg implemented the procedure. These uncertainty calculations serve as guidelines and will have to be adapted to the particular Implementation of each procedure in a given laboratory. The uncertainties achieved by any implementation of these methods might be considerably different. Uncertainties quoted have to be based on an explicit analysis and cannot be taken by reference to the uncertainty estimates in this standard.

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