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BS EN 81-3:2001 pdf download

BS EN 81-3:2001 pdf download.Safety rules for the construction and installation of ifts—Part 3: Electric and hydraulic service lifts.
1.2In addition to the requirementse of this standard, su.pplermentary recquirements shall be considered inspecial cases (potentially explosive aLnosphere, exlrerme climate conditions, seismic conditions, transportingdangerous goods, etc-J-
1.3This standard does not cnver
a) service lifls with drives other than stated in soction 1.1;
bj important modificatians (sEe annex E) to a service ift irstalled before this standard is brought intoappicatian;
c) lifting appliances, such as paternosters,mine lifts, theatrical lifts, appliances with automatic caging.skIlps and haists for building and public warks sites, ship hoists, platforms for expioration or drilling at sea,conisirucliort and mainlenance appliancos;
dinstalHations whera the inclination of the guide rails to the vortical cxcceds 15*;c) safcty during transport, installation, repairs and dismantling of service lits;
f) the use of gluss for the walls of the wcll for thc car and for the landing donrs inciuding the vision pariels.However, this standard may usefully be taken as a basis.
Noise and vibrations are not dealt with in this standard bacause thasa are not relevant to the sufc use of thes.ervice ift.
Fie propagation is not dealt with in this standard.
1.4To satisfy tha condition ol inaccessibility to the car, the car damentsions shall not excced: for floor arco.1,0 m2:
b’y for deplh,1,0 m;c) for helght, 1.20 m.
The height of 1.20 m shall not be limited if the car comprises several permanent compartmants, each afwhich satisfies the above requirements.
in par licular,lfting equipment intended cxcluslvely for the transportstion of goocis,but having a car withdrmcnsions cxcecding ony one of the figiares abnve shall nnt h antererd in the ctatngnry “serviae lifts”‘.1.5 This standard covers the safely requirements for service lifts with rated speeds up to 1 m/s.
NOTE:For service lifts with higher rated speods additional requirements shall be applied as appropriate inorder to maintain the same ievei of safety .
Normative references
This EuIopean Standard incorporates by dated or undated referencs,provisions from other publications.These nornalve references are cited at the appropriate places in the tcxt and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated roforonces,cuhbsequRnt amendmenis to og revieins at any of these putblicaticns anply tothis Fuiropean Standard only when incorporaled in it by arnendment or revision. For undaled references thelatest editiorn of the publication referred to applies. fincluding amendments). The inspection rdoors and inspection traps shall be provided with a key-oper aterd lack, capable ofheing re-clased and re-lnckesci wilhout a key.
lf persoans are likcly to become trapped they shall be capable of being opened from insidia the weil withoul akey,even when tockad. of the service lit shall automatirally depernd on maintaining these inspection doorsand inspeuion ‘raps in the closed position.Fnr this purpose electrice sufety devices in conformity to 14.1.2shall be cmpioyed.
This requirerneni does not opply to doo7s and traps giving excluaivo accoss to the machine and its assncialedparts, but applies to doors and trans giving access to overspeed governor , if any, installed in the well (sec9. inspection doors and inspecticon traps shall be imperforsate, satisfying the s.ame raquirements formechanical strength as the landingg esooea.
NOTE: Relevant regulations for the fire proleclion of thc building concemed nead to be taken into accoumtisee 0.2.5 Safe access to these inepnection dnars and inspection traps shall be provided acr.nrding tca of the well
le well may be ventilated. The staie air from athar parts af the building shalf nrot bc extlracled vis the wll5.2.4Componants insidia the well The drstance from any point of a landing door sill to any cormponents requiring maintenance,adjuslrnent or inspection shall exceed 600 mm.
where this is not possible , inspection door(s) or trap(s) shall he prcvidead and positiured to meet the samerequirement.
NOTE:Allention ghoutct be pakd to the distance tetweer lardings. When components are not installed according tn, the well shall be accessible and the carshalil be provided with devices allowing it to be immoblized near to any landing. The devices shall fultil therequirements of 9.7.4(and the car roof shall comply with
NOTE:AttantEian shoult be paid to the distance botween landings5.3Walls,floor and ceiling of the well
The struclure of the well shall be ablie to support at laast the lads which may be applied by the machine, bythe jacks, by tha gutide rais at the rmornertl uf saefetly gear operatin, in the cese of eccentric load in the car.by tha action of the buffers, by loading ond unlooding tho car, etc..
NOTE: Relevarnt National Building Regulations for the bulding concerned need to bo taken into accountisee 0.2.5).
5.4Protection of any spaces located below the car, the counterweight or the balancingwelght
if accessible spaces da axist underneath the service lift well wittir te area of the car , the counterwcight orthe baiancing weighil,pYrecaulions accordting to 9.7 and 10.3.2.shali be faken.

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