Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60034-07:2001 pdf download

IEC 60034-07:2001 pdf download

IEC 60034-07:2001 pdf download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 7: Classification of types of construction,mounting arrangements and terminalbox position (IM Code).
This part of IEC 60034 specifies the IM Code, a classification of types of construction. mounting arrangements and the terminal box position of rotating electrical machines.
Two systems of classification are provided as follows;
— Code I (see section 2); An alpha-numeric designation applicable to machines with end- shield bearing(s) and only one shaft extension.
— Code II (see section 3): An all-numeric designation applicable to a wider range of types of machines including types covered by Code I.
The type of machine not covered by Code II should be fully described in words.
The relationship between Code I and Code Ills given In annex A.
1.2 DefInitions
For the purposes of this part of IEC 60034. the following definitions apply:
type of construction
the arrangement of machine components with regard to fixings, bearing arrangement and shalt extension
(1EV 60411.13.34)11
mounting arrangement
the orientation on Site of the machine as the whole with regard to shaft alignment and position of fixings
(1EV 60411-13-35)
shaft extension
a portion of a shaft extending beyond an extreme bearing
(1EV 60411-13-07)
NOTE The bearing may be on the machine itceif or be part 01 an assembly comprising a machine and (an) additional bearinglal
drive-end of a machine (D.end)
that end of the machine which accommodates the shall end
(1EV 60411-13-36)
NOTE This is normally the driving end ol a motor or the driven end ol a generator
Where for some machines the above definition Is inadequate, the D-end is defined as follows:
a) Machine with two shaft extensions of diflerent diameter: the end with the larger shaft diameter;
b) Machine with a cylindrical shaft extension and a conical shaft extension of the same diameter: the end with cylindrical shalt extention;
c) Machine with other arrangements: according to IEC 60034-8 if applicable: otherwise by agreement.
NOTE The outer dIameter 01 5 lorged-on tiange lB taken to be the diameter of the shari extenseon.
non-drive end of the machine (N-end)
that end of the machine opposite to the drive end
(1EV 60411.13.37).
SectIon 2: Code I (alpha-numerIc designation)
2.1 Designation of machines with horizontal shafts
In Code I, a machine with a horizontal shaft is designated by the code letters IM (International Mounting). followed by a space, the letter B, one or two numerals as shown In table 1 and an optional letter as shown in 2.3.

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