Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60122-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60122-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60122-1:2002 pdf download.Quartz crystal units of assessed quality –
Part 1: Generic specification.
IEC 60444-5:1995, Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters — Part 5: Methods for the determination of equivalent electrical parameters using automatic network analyzer techniques and error corrections
IEC 60444-6:1995, Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters — Part 6: Measurement of drive level dependence (DL 0)
IEC 60617 (all parts), Graphical symbols for diagrams
IEC 61178-2:1993, Quartz crystal units — A specification in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) — Part 2: Sectional specification — Capability approval
IEC 61178-3:1993, Quartz crystal units — A specification in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECO) — Part 3: Sectional specification — Qualification approval
IEC OC 001001:2000. IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) — Basic Rules
IEC QC 001002-2:1998. ICQ Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) — Rules of Procedure — Part 2: Documentation
IEC QC 001002-3:1998, IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECO) — Rules of Procedure — Part 3: Approval Procedures
IEC OC 001005:2000. Register of firms, products and services approved under the IECQ System, including ISO 9000
ISO 1000:1992, SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other Units
1.3 Order of precedence
Where any discrepancies occur for any reason, documents shall rank in the following order of
— the detail specification;
— the sectional specification;
— the generic specification:
— any other international documents (for example of the IEC) to which reference is made. The same order of precedence shall apply to equivalent national documents.
2 Terminology and general requirements
2.1 General
Units, graphical symbols, letter symbols and terminology shall, wherever possible, be taken
from the following standards: IEC 60027. IEC 60050(561), IEC 60617 and ISO 1000.
2.2 Terms, definitions and classification of phenomena
The following paragraphs contain additional terminolo9y applicable to quartz crystal units and describe certain phenomena in this context
crystal element (crystal blank)
piezoelectric material cut to a given geometrical shape, size and orientation with respect to the crystallographic axes of the crystal
an electrically conductive plate or film in contact with, or in proximity to, a face of a crystal element by means of which an electric field is applied to the element
crystal resonator
a mounted crystal element that vibrates when an alternating electric field exists between the electrodes
the means by which the crystal resonator Is supported (within Its enclosure)
the enclosure protecting the crystal resonator(s) and mounting
enclosure type
a crystal enclosure of specific outline dimensions and material with a defined method of sealing
crystal unit
a crystal resonator mounted In an enclosure
a component into which the crystal unit is inserted to hold the crystal unit and to provide electrical connection
mode of vibration
the pattern of motion in a vibrating body of the individual particles resulting from stresses
applied to the body, the frequency of oscillation and the boundary conditions existing. The common modes of vibration are:
— flexural;
— extensional;
— face shear;
— thickness shear.
fundamental crystal unit
a crystal resonator designed to operate at the lowest order of a given mode
overtone crystal unit
a crystal resonator designed to operate at a higher order than the lowest of the given mode
overtone order
the numbers allotted to the successive overtones of a given mode of vibration from the ascending series of integral numbers commencing with the fundamental as unity. For shear and extensional modes, this overtone is the integral multiple of the fundamental frequency to which the overtone frequency approximates
crystal unit equivalent circuIt
the electric circuit which has the same impedance as the crystal unit In the region of the desired resonance and anti-resonance frequencies. It is represented by an inductance, capacitance and resistance in series, this series arm being shunted by the capacitance between the terminals of the unit. The parameters of the series branch of inductance, capacitance and resistance are given by L1, C1 and 1i1 respectively: these are termed motional parameters of the crystal unit. The shunt (parallel) capacitance is denoted by (see figure 1).

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