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IEC 60192:2001 pdf download

IEC 60192:2001 pdf download.Low-pressure sodium vapour lamps Performance specifications.
1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions, as well as others given in IEC 60050(845), apply:
low pressure sodium (vapour) lamp
discharge lamp in which the light is produced by radiation from sodium vapour operating at a partial pressure of 0,1 to 1.5 pascal
[1EV 845-07-24)
nominal value
appfoximate quantity value used to designate or identify a lamp
rated value
quantity value for a characteristic of a lamp for specified operating conditions. The value and the conditions are specified In this standard, or assigned by the manufacturer or responsible vendor
lamp designation type E
Code, indicating economy, to designate a type of low-pressure sodium vapour lamp with improved luminous efficacy
NOTE As these lamps may be operated on var’ous baflasts with slightly dirterent wattages, it is not s.atislactory to designat. them wilh a no.ninal wattage A lamp designation has been chosen consisting of the letter E and a number approumalely numerically equal to their rated wattage. The number in the designation is different from that of the rated wattage, in Order to avoid confusion with the existing lamps designated with Iheir nominal wattage
lamp starting voltage
r.m.s. voltage at lamp terminals at which the lamp starts
InItIal readings
starting characteristics of a lamp, measured before ageing, and the electrical and photometric characteristics of a lamp, measured at the end of the ageing period
reference ballast
special inductive type ballast, designed for the purpose of providing comparison standards for use in testing ballasts, for the selection of reference lamps and for testing regular production lamps under standardised conditions. It is essentially characterized by the fact that at its rated frequency. it has a stable voltageicurrent ratio which is relatively uninfluenced by variations in current, temperature and magnetic surroundings, as outlined In the relevant ballast standard
calibration current of a reference ballast
value of the current on which the calibration and control of the reference ballast are based
typ, test
test or a series of tests made on a type test sample for the purpose of checking compfiance of the design of a given product with the requirements of the relevant standard
type test sample
sample consisting of one or more similar units submitted by the manufacturer or the responsible vendor for the purpose of a type test
1.4 Lamp requirements
1.4.1 General
A lamp, on which compliance with this standard is claimed, shall comply with the requirements of IEC 62035.
A lamp shall be so designed that its performance is reliable in normal and accepted use. In general, this can be achieved by satisfying the requirements of the following subclauses.
The requirements given apply to 95 % of production.
1.4.2 DImensions
The dimensions of a lamp shall comply with the values specified on the relevant lamp data sheet,
1.4.3 Caps
The cap on a finished lamp shall comply with IEC 60061-1.
1.4.4 StartIng characteristics
A lamp shall start within the starting time specified on the relevant lamp data sheet and remain alight for at least 1 mm.
The test shall be made before ageing, using the measuring method given in annex A.
1.4.5 Electrical characteristics
The initial readings of the voltage at lamp terminals and of the power dissipated by a lamp shall not exceed the maximum values specified on the relevant lamp data sheet, using the measuring method given in annex B.
1.4.6 PhotometrIc characteristics
The initial reading of the luminous flux of a lamp shall be not less than 90 % of the rated value, using the measuring method given in annex B.
1.5 Information for luminaire design
Refer to annex C for information for luminaire design.
Lamps shall not be operated during the 5 h immediately prior to making this test.
Lamps shall be tested in a circuit as shown in figure Al, at an ambient temperature between
20 C and 30 °C, using a nominal 50 Hz or 60 Hz supply as appropriate.
The ballast used shall satisfy the requirements of IEC 60923.
During the lest, lamps shall be at a sufficient distance from any earthed metal or starling aid.
A.2 Measurement
With switch S, closed and switch S2 open, the voltage measured by voltmeter V, shall be set to the starting voltage given on the relevant lamp data sheet. and then switch S2 shall be closed.
After the test, switch S, shall be opened before switching oft the lamp.

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