Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf download

IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf download

IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf download.Dependability management -Part 3-5:
Application guide – Reliability test conditionsand statistical test principles.
any part. component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system that can be individually described
11EV 191-01-01, modifiedj
NOTE An item may, for example. be a system, equipment. functional unit, component or element, consisting of hardware. soltwar or both, and which may. in particular cases, include people.
life test
test with the purpose of estimating, verifying or comparing the lifetime of the class of items being tested
NOTE The end of the useful life will often be delined as the time when a certain percentage ol the items have tailed for non-repaired items and as the time when he failure intensity has increased to a specilied level 1r repaired items.
low degree of simulation
test conditions where the varying environmental and operating stresses are as close as possible to those encountered in one defined environment and one operating scenario NOTE The environment and load pattern may be chosen as an average or worst case Since it is intended to define reproducible and simple opef sling conditionS and not lmulaIe the wide range of actual operating conditions on the field, the testing conditions may be simplified. For esample. Only the most significant parameters may be represented by the test conditions
misuse failure
failure due to the application of stresses during use which exceed the stated capabilities of the Item
(1EV 191.04-041
no fault found
reported failure of an item which cannot be replicated or explained based on the conditions of the item
NOTE This may a, Ill be a relevant failure.
non-repaired Item
item which is not repaired after failure
[1EV 191-01-03]
operating time
time interval during which an item is in an operating state
[1EV 191-09-01]
production test
test with the purpose of estimating, verifying or comparing dependability measures for items of one or more production lots
NOTE The purpose of a production test is often to investigat, the influence of the manufactunng and assembfy processes on the dependability measures of the items (robustness to variations in raw materials, components and processes)
recurrent failures
two or more failures that occur in the same location; in the same part In different locations but similar application: in parts of identical type and manufacture: in the same point of the test cycle but not simultaneously
relevant failure
failure that should be included in interpreting test or operational results or in calculating the value of a reliability performance measure
NOTE The Crilelia br inclusion should be slated.
[1EV 191-04.131
reliability growth test
the purpose of a reliability growth test is to improve reliability through a process of test. failure identification, failure analysis. corrective action, implementing corrective action to units under tests, and to continue the test
reliabIlity test
experiment carried out in order to measure, quantify or classify a reliability measure or property of an item
NOTE I Reliability testrng is different from environmental testing where the sun is to pove that the Items under l,$t can survive estrein. coaddions of storage. transporlalion and us..
NOTE 2 Reliability tests may include environmental testing.
repaired Item
repairable item which is in fact repaired after a failure
[1EV 191-01 -021
risk (statistical)
probability of a false decision based on a statistical test, The false decision may be either to reject the null hypothesis when it is true (type I error, also called producer’s risk, significance level, a), or to accept the null hypothesis when it is false (type II error, consumer’s risk. significance level fi). (See 3.1.12)
secondary failure
failure of an item, caused either directly or indirectly by a failure or a fault of another item
11EV 191-04-161
step-stress test
test consisting of several increasin9 stress levels applied sequentially for periods of equal time duration to an item.

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