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IEC 60322:2001 pdf download

IEC 60322:2001 pdf download.Railway applications – Electric equipment for rolling stock – Rules for power resistors of open construction.
double insulation
two-stage insulation, the first between the live conductors and an intermediate frame and the second between the intermediate frame and the body of the vehicle
11EV 811-27-151
NOTE I The Intermediate frame is metallic (see enne A), NOTE 2 Doubt. insulation si this context does not r.f.r to doubte insulahon used for prot•ction against et.ctric shock (see IEC 60384.4.41).
multi-stage Insulation
insulation system having more than one stage of insulation and an intermediate frame between consecutive stages
NOTE I An insulation sy;l.m having no more than one stag. a •rm•d single .nsulation
NOTE 2 For an insulation system havwig mare than on. stag., those stages ott,., than the pnmary insulation are commonly knoen as secondary lnsulation,
primary Insulation
first stage of a multi-stage Insulatton between live conductors and the niermediate frame
functional insulation
insulation between conductive parts which is necessary only for the proper function
basic Insulation
insulation appl,ed to live parts to provide basic protection against electric shock (human safety)
maximum temperature (Ym)
temperature of the hottest point of the resistor element under the specified conditions (duty.
cooling, materials. etc.)
maximum permissible temperature
temperature of the resistor element that can be withstood without any resulting damage (for example, permanent distortion) to any part of the resistor frame or case and its external connections
rat.d operational currint (Ii)
current value assigned by the manufacturer for a duty cycle under specified conditions NOTE This may include a value of current capable of being carrt.d continuously.
rated operational voltage (U.)
voltage value which determines the application of the resistor frame or case and to which the tests are referred. The value Is assigned generally by the manufacturer
working voltage (U)
the highest rims, value of the ac. voltage or the highest value of the dc. voltage which may occur (locally) across any insulation at rated operational voltage, transients being disregarded, in open-circuit conditions or under normal operating conditions
NOTE For a reBsitor under Vault conditions. the eohlng voltage is that occurring undef the Vault conditions, it this is greater than that occumng Und.f narm.I conditions
rated Insulation voltage (U1)
value of the vollage to which dielectric test voltages and creepage distances are referred,
It Is at least equal to the highest r.m.s. value of the voltage existing between electrodes and across the creepage distance for an extended period of tame (I.e. neglecting non-repetitive transient voltages)
organization which has the technical responsibility for the manufacture of the resistor
organization wfllcfl orders me resistor and has the responsibility for direct negotiations wim me manufacturer
4 Product information
4.1 General
An agreed specification should exist between the manufacturer and his purchaser containing general performance and test requirements in accordance with this slandard
4.2 Nature of Information
The following information shall be given in the manufacturer’s catalogue or manuals for each resistor case or frame. It concerns the identification and the characteristics.
4.2.1 IdentifIcation
— manufacturer’s name or trademark;
— type designation or serial number:
— modification status:
— reference to the product standard (i.e. IEC 60322) if the manufacturer declares compliance with It.
42.2 Characteristics
The following list is not exhaustive and should be applied as appropriate:
— rated operational voltage(s):
— rated Insulation voltage:
— rated operational current(s);
— value of the total resistance (at 20 C) and, if required, of the partial resistance between connection terrninal5.
4.3 Marking
The following markings on the equipment are mandatory:
— manufacturer’s name or trademark:
— type designation;
— serial number or date or code of manufacture;
— modification status, if applicable.
These are preferably marked on the nameplate, if any, in order to permit the complete data to be obtained from the manufacturer for traceability. The markings shall be Indelible and easily legible.
5 Normal service conditions
These conditions are given in clause 7 of IEC 60077-1. The service conditions may impose special constructional requirements for this type of equipment (for example, take into consideration rain on a hot resistor element).
6 ConstructIonal and performance requirements
6.1 ConstructIonal r.qulr.m.nts
The constructional requirements are those given in 8.1 of IEC 80077-1 with the following additions. If further constructional requirements are needed, they shall be stated in the specification.
6.1.1 Resistance values of resistor sections
If the resistor section consists of more than one resistor case or frame, the value shall include the resistance of the connections between the cases or frames,
The tolerance on the resistance values measured shall be as given in table 1 at the reference temperature of 20 C. The value of resistance at the reference temperature of 20 C shall be declared taking Into consideration the variation of resistance that will occur at the maximum temperature (Tm).

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