Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60335-2-59:2002 pdf download

IEC 60335-2-59:2002 pdf download

IEC 60335-2-59:2002 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appliances -safety – Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers.
16 Leakage current and electric strength
This clause ol Pan I Is applicable except as follows.
16.101 The transformer shall have adequate internal insulation,
Compliance is checked by the following test.
Twice the working voltage is induced in the secondary winding of the transformer by applying a sinusoidal voltage hav,ng a frequency higher than rated frequency to the primary terminals.
The duration of the test is
— 60 a, for frequencies up to twice the rated frequency. or
rated frequency . .
— 120 x a. with a minimum of 15 s, for higher Ire quencies. test frequency
NOTE The frequency ot tile test voltage is higher than the rated frequency to avod eicessive evcitaIIon current
A maximum of one-third of the test voltage is applied and is then rapidly increased without creating transients At the end of the test, the voltage is decreased in a similar manner to approximately one-third of its full value before switching off.
There shell be no breakdown between windings or between adjacent turns of the same winding.
17 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits This clau5e of Part us applicable
18 Endurance
This clause of Part 1 is not applicable.
19 Abnormal operation
This clause of Part I Is applicable.
20 Stability and mechanical hazards
This clause of Part 1 Is applicable.
21 Mechanical strength
This clause of Part I is applicable
22 Construction
This clause of Part 1 Is applicable except as follows.
22,6 Addition.
Drain holes shall be at least 5 mm in diameter or 20 mm2 in area with a width or at least
3 mm.
22101 Interlock swatches that prevent access to live parts during user maintenance shall
be connected in the input circuit and located to prevent unintentional operation.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by applying test probe B of IEC 61032.
22.102 Appliances having grids in the form of horizontal bars, and one pole of the output of the transformer connected to accessible parts, shall have the lowest bar connected to earth.
Compliance Is checked by Inspection.
22.103 Appliances shall be constructed so that there is no risk of electric shock when touching the grids during user maintenance.
Compliance is checked by the following test.
The appliance is supplied at rated voltage It is then disconnected (rum the supply mains. One second alter disconnection, the voltage between the grids Is measured with an instrument that does not appreciably affect the value to be measured.
The voltage shall not exceed 34 V.
22.104 The short-circuit current of the output circuit shall not be excessive.
Compliance is checked by the following test.
The appliance is supplied at rated voltage. The short-circuit current Is measured between both grids and between each grid and earth.
The current shall not exceed 10 mA.
23 Internal wiring
This clause of Part I is applicable except as follows.
23.5 Addition:
For circuits having a voltage over 1 000 V. the test voltage is (g’i U 750) V and Is applied for I mEn.
NOTE 101 U the peak value of the working voltage
NOTE 102 The eel II only carried Out In case of doubt.
24 Components
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
24.1.3 Addition:
Interlock switches are operated 1 000 times.
24.2 Addition.
Appliances for indoor use only may be fitted with switches in flexible cords.
24.101 Interlock switches that prevent access to live parts during user maintenance shall
— disconnect all poles, unless the secondary circuit Is supplied through an Isolating transformer.
— have a contact separation that provides full disconnection in accordance with IEC 61058-1.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
25 Supply connection and external flexIble cords
This clause of Part I is applicable except as follows.
25.7 Addition.
Supply cords of appliances intended for outdoor use, and of appliances having a lamp emitting ultra-violet radiation, shall be polychloroprene sheathed and not be lighter than ordinary polychloroprene sheathed cord (code designation 60245 IEC 57).

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