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IEC 60335-2-69:2002 pdf download

IEC 60335-2-69:2002 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appliances -Safety – Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dryvacuum cleaners, including power brush,for industrial and commercial use.
In practice the pick-up consists largely of air such that there is no overloading of the suction motor; the input load should be observed to avoid overloading.
15.2 Replacement:
Appliances having a liquid container shall be so constructed that spillage of liquid due to overfilling and, for unstable appliances and hand-held appliances, overturning, does not affect their electrical insulation.
Compliance is checked by the following tests:
Appliances having a liquid container and provided with an appliance inlet are fitted with an appropriate connector and flexible cable or cord; appliances having a liquid container and type X attachment are fitted with the lightest cross-sectional area specified in Table 11. Other appliances are tested as delivered.
The liquid container of the appliance is completely filled with water containing approximately 1 % NaCI and a further quantity, equal to 15 % of the capacity of the container or 0,25 I, whichever is the greater, is poured in steadily over a period of I mm.
Hand-held appliances and appliances which are unstable are then, with the container completely filled and with the cover or lid in place, overturned from the most unfavourable of the normal positions of use, and are left in that position for 5 mm unless the appliance returns automatically to its normal position of use.
NOTE 101 Appliances are considered to be unstable if they overturn when applying a force of 180 N at the top of the appliance in the most unfavourable horizontal direction while they are placed in the most unfavourable of the normal positions of use on a support inclined at an angle of 10° to the horizontal, the liquid container being filled to half the level indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions.
Appliances are then subjected to the following test:
The nozzle of the appliance is placed in a trough, the base of which is level with the surface supporting the appliance. The trough is filled with water containing detergent to a level of 5 mm above its bottom, this level being maintained throughout the test.
The detergent solution consists of 20 g of sodium chloride and 1 ml of a solution of 28 % by mass of dodecyl sodium sulphate in water for every 8 I of water.
NOTE 102 The solution used for the spillage test on water suction cleaning appliances should be stored in a cool atmosphere, and should be used within 7 days after its preparation.
The chemical designation of dodecyl sodium sulphate is C12H25NaSO4.
The appliance is then operated under normal operation for 5 mm after the liquid container has been filled completely.
Immediately after this treatment, the appliance shall withstand an electric strength test as specified in 16.3.
Inspection shall show that any liquid that may have entered the appliance does not impair compliance with this standard. In particular, there shall be no trace of liquid on insulation that could result in a reduction of clearances and creepage distances below the values specified in Clause 29.
NOTE 103 The appliance is allowed to stand in normal test room atmosphere for 24 h before being subjected to the test of 15.3.
If it is not possible to overfill the container for soiled liquid owing to the construction of the appliance, the test specified in 19.101 is considered to be adequate.
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
18 Endurance
This clause of Part 1 is not applicable.
19 Abnormal operation
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
19.1 Addition:
Appliances are also subjected to the test of 19.101.
19.2 Addition:
The appliance is tested without liquid in the container.
NOTE 101 The term restricted heat dissipation means without liquid in the container.
19.7 Addition:
NOTE 101 Fan blades are not regarded as parts liable to be jammed.
Vacuum cleaners with power brushes are tested with the brushes locked.
19.9 Not applicable.
19.10 Addition:
NOTE 101 For this test the lowest possible load for radial turbines is obtained with the air inlet sealed. Other turbine types may have different characteristics.
In the case of cleaners driving a brush or agitator, the belt is removed.
19.101 Appliances having containers that are provided with shut-off device(s) or valve(s) are again subjected to the test of 15.2.
Stop valves or other fluid shut-off devices are made inoperative. If two or more independent shut-off devices are provided, only one of them is made inoperative at a time, provided that they have passed the test of operating 3 000 times satisfactorily. Otherwise all devices that failed are made inoperative.
NOTE Care should be taken to suck up an air-liquid mixture to prevent overloading of the motor of the suction unit. The input power should be observed to avoid overloading.

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