Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60554-2:2001 pdf download

IEC 60554-2:2001 pdf download

IEC 60554-2:2001 pdf download.Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes – Part 2: Methods of test.
— the test shall be carried out on three conditioned test pieces, one determination being made on each of the three test pieces;
— the mass is to be determined to an accuracy of 0.5 % on conditioned test pieces of not less than 500 cm2.
The area of each test piece and its mass are measured and the mass per unit expressed in grams per square metre is calculated, all measurements being made on conditioned test pieces.
Where grammage is determined across the width to establish the variation over the width, the details of this procedure will be found In IEC 60554-3.
7 Apparent density
The thickness and grammage are determined on each of three test pieces in accordance with clauses 5 and 6. For each test piece the apparent density Is calculated. The apparent density Is expressed In grams per cubic centimetre.
8 Tensile strength and elongation
Tensile strength and elongation shall be measured according to one of the methods described in ISO 1924 with the following exceptions (the method to be used shall be indicated in
IEC 60554-3):
— measurements are made on nine test pieces cut from the machine direction and on nine others cut from the cross direction;
— the central value of the measurements, in each direction, is taken as the result and the highest and the lowest values in each direction are reported;
— alternatively, the results can be expressed as the breaking length in metres rounded to the nearest 100 m,
Measurement of the tensile force required to cause failure of test pieces 15 mm by approximately 250 mm, cut from both directions of the paper, when applied under standard test conditions.
9 Internal tearing resistance
Internal tearing resistance shall be measured according to the method described in ISO 1974. The single-tear tester shall be used with the following exceptions:
– measurements are made on nine test pieces cut from the machine direction and nine others from the cross direction
Rectangular test pieces having a single cut leaving 43 mm length to be torn. Measurement of the energy required to tear this
10 Edge-tearing resistance
10.1 T.st apparatus
An edge-tear stirrup (see figure 1) shall be used, attached to the tensile testing apparatus as described in ISO 1924. The edge-tear stirrup consists of a thin steel plate (A) which forms a vertical plate supported on the edge by the ends of a stirrup-shaped frame.
The thin metal tang of the stirrup frame is fastened in the lower clamp of the tension testing machine, so that the vertical centre line of the stirrup coincides with the line connecting the midpoints of the upper and lower clamps. The vertical plate is removable from the stirrup frame and two plates of different thickness are supplied for use with papers of different thickness ranges One plate has a thickness of 1.25 mm i 0,05 mm and one plate a thickness of 2,50 mm * 0,05 mm. The edge of the plate forms a shallow V-notch, the sides of which subtend an angle of 150 * 1. The sides of the V-notch are semicircular in cross-section and shall be smooth and straight.
10,2 Test pieces
Nine test pieces shall be cut in the machine direction and nine in the cross direction of the paper, 15 mm to 25 mm In width and not less than 250 mm in length.
The test pieces shall be conditioned according to clause 4.
10.3 Procedure
Attach a plate of the proper thickness to the stirrup frame. The plate with (he thickness of 1.25 mm ± 0,05 mm is to be used for papers of up to 0.75 mm in thickness and the plate with the thickness of 2,50 mm ± 0,05 mm for thicker papers,
Fasten the thin tang of the stirrup in the lower clamp (see note) of the tension-testing machine so that the vertical centre line of the stirrup coincides with the line connecting the mid-points of the upper and lower clamps of the testing machine, and so that the sides of the V-notch are symmetrically located with (tie line through the mid-points of the clamps.
NOTE Th. Stirrup may be fastened in th, upper clamp, If desired, This pl’ocedur. wiil relire rebalanc.ing the l.naion.IesIing machine to compensate for the mass of the atirrup
Place the lower clamp of the machine so that the lower edge of the upper clamp Is about 90 mm above the upper edge of the V-notched plate.
Thread the test piece through the stirrup, under the plate, and bring the two ends together and fasten them in the upper clamp.
In this operation, most of the slack in the test piece is taken up. but care shall be exercised not to apply a tearing force to the test piece. Make the application of the first increments of load to the test piece very Slowly if possible, to minimize abnormal strains due to inertia effects.
Increase the load so that tearing starts in 5 s to 15 s and record this load in newtons.

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