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IEC 60623:2001 pdf download

IEC 60623:2001 pdf download.Secondary cells and batteries containing alkalineor other non-acid electrolytes- vented nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeablesingle cells.
4 Electrical tests
Charge and discharge currents fOr the tests in accordance with 4,1 to 4,9 inclusive shall be based on the value of the rated capacity.
4.1 Charging procedure for test purposes
Prior to charging, the cells shall have been discharged at 20 C ± 5 C, at a constant current of 0.2 ItA, down to a final voltage of 1,0 V.
Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the charge preceding the various discharge tests scheduled, shall be carried out in an ambient temperature of 20 C ± 5 °C and at a constant current of 0,2 l,A, The durahon of the charge shall be 7 h to 8 h.
4.2 Discharge performance
The following discharge tests shall be carried Out in the sequence given.
All cells shall be tested at 20 °C as well as at +5 °C ardor —18 °C.
4.2.1 Dlscharg. performance at 20 C
The cell shall have been charged in accordance with 4.1. After charging, the cell shall be stored for not less than 1 h and not more than 4 h in an ambient temperature of 20 C ± 5 C. It shall then be discharged in the same ambient temperature and as specified In table 3. The duration of discharge shall be not less than the minimum specified in table 3. Acceptance criteria
No fusing, no deformation of cell case, no delormalion of internal cell components shall be observed. In addition, the cell voltage during the discharge should show no discontinuity.
4.3 Charge retention
The charge retention shall be verified by the following test:
Alter charging in accordance with 4.1, the cell shall be stored on open circuit for 28 days. The average ambient temperature shall be 20 C ± 2 C. The temperature may be allowed to vary within the range of 20 C ± 5 °C for short periods during the storage.
The cell shall then be discharged under the conditions specified in 4.2.1 at a rate of 0.2 iRA. The duration of the discharge shall be not less than 4 h.
4.4 Endurance
4.4.1 Endurance in cycles Test conditions
The endurance test shall be carried Out in an ambient temperature of 20 C ± S C. Precautions shall be taken to prevent the electrolyte temperature from rising above +40 C during the test. for example by providing a forced air draught if necessary. The electrolyte may be topped up during the test with deionized or distilled water to the level recommended by the manufacturer. The electrolyte may be changed if at any time its characteristics no longer comply with the manufacturers recommendation.
The cell shall be prepared in accordance with 4.1. Cycles 1 to 50
The cycling shall be carried out under the conditions specified in table 7. Charge and discharge shall be carried out at constant current throughout. Cycling shall be continuous, except that it is permissible to allow the cell to stand for a short period at the end of discharge of each 49” and 50” cycle in order to start the next 50-cycle sequence at a convenient time.
4.8 Electrolyte retention test
During charge, gases are generated within the cell, and electrolyte will be carried in a fine spray in this gas flow resulting in loss of electrolyte to the atmosphere. To prevent these losses, baffles are inserted within the cell or within the venting system that closes the cell. This test is to evaluate the ability of a cell to prevent electrolyte losses,
4.8.1 Test procedure
Prior to the test the electrolyte level shall have been adjusted to the maximum level according to the manufacturer’s Instructions. The cell shall have been charged in accordance with 4.1. The charge shall be continued, at a constant current of 0.05 ItA. for 2 h. The gas coming out of the vent during the 2 h overcharge shall be collected Into three collection bottles connected in series and filled with a solution of sulphuric acid of 11200 molll. After the overcharge the quantity of potassium hydroxide absorbed in the sulphuric acid solution shall be measured.
4.8.2 Acceptance criteria:
The total amount of entrained potassium hydroxide shall be not more than 0,05 mg/Ah overcharge.

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