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IEC 60694:2002 pdf download

IEC 60694:2002 pdf download.Common specifications for high voltage switchgear and controlgear standards.
2.2.4 VIbrations
For installations where earthquakes are likely to occur, severity level in accordance with IEC 61166 should be specified by the user.
Other parameters
When special environmental conditions prevail at controlgear is to be put in service, they should be
IEC 60721.
3 Definitions
the location where switchgear and specified by the user by reference to
For the purpose of this International Standard,
IEC 60050(191); IEC 60050(441): IEC 60050(604) and
the definitions in IEC 60050(826) apply.
IEC 60050(151);
Some of them are recalled hereunder for easier use
The definitions given below are also applicable. IEC 60050(441). The definitions of IEC 60050(441) their specific sub-clause number. References from so as to be aligned with the classification used in
IEC 60050(441).
3.1 General terms
switchg.ar and controlg.ar
[1EV 441-11.011
They are classified in accordance with are not repeated but reference is made to other than IEC 60050(441) are classified International Electrotechnica? Vocabulary
external insulation
the distances in atmosphere and the surfaces In contact with open air of solid Insulation of the equipment which are subject to dielectric stresses and to the effects of atmospheric and other external conditions such as pollution, humidity, vermin etc.
[1EV 604-03-02)
IP code
a coding system to indicate the degrees of protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts. ingress of solid foreign objects, Ingress of water and to give additional information in connection with such protection (3.4 of IEC 60529]
protection provid•d by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts the protection of persons against:
– contact with hazardous mechanical parts;
— contact with hazardous low-voltage live parts:
— approach to hazardous high-voltage live parts below adequate clearance inside an enclosure (3.6 of IEC 60529)
the combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function
[1EV 191-07-01]
sch•dul.d malnt•nanc.
the preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with an established time schedule
[1EV 191.07.10)
periodic visual investigation of the principal features of the switchgear and controlgear in service without dismanthng. This investigation is generally directed toward pressures and/or levels of fluids, tightness, position of relays, pollution of insulating parts, but actions such as lubricating, cleaning, washing, etc. which can be carried out with the switchgear and controlgear in service are also included
NOTE Observations resutting from inspection can lead to the decision to carry out overhaul.
diagnostic tests
comparative tests of the characteristic parameters of switchgear and controlgear to verify that it performs its functions, by measuring one or more of these parameters
NOTE The result from diagnostic t•sts can i•ad to the decision to carry out ovirhaul,
inspection with the addition of partial dismantling, as required, supplemented by means such as measurements and non-destructive tests in order to reliably evaluate the condition of the switchgear and controlgear
work done with the objective of repairing or replacing parts which are found to be out of tolerance by inspection, test, examination, or as required by manufacturer’s maintenance manual, in order to restore the component and/or the switchgear and controlgear to an acceptable condition
the time Interval during which an item Is In a down state
[1EV 191-09-08]
the termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function
[1EV 191.04-01]
NOTE 1 After failure the item has a tauti.
NOTE 2 Faiiure is an event, as distinguished from fault, which is a state
NOTE 3 This concept as defined does not apply to items consashng of software only.
major failure (of swltchgear and controlgear)
failure of a switchgear and controlgear which causes the cessation of one or more of its fundamental functions
A major failure will result in an immediate change in the system operating conditions, e.g. the backup protective equipment will be required to remove the fault, or will result in mandatory removal from service within 30 mm for unscheduled maintenance.

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