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IEC 60819-2:2001 pdf download

IEC 60819-2:2001 pdf download.Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes -Part 2: Methods of test.
3.1 Unless otherwse specified, cut the specimen and condition the test pieces for not less than 16 h in an atmosphere of (23 ± 2) C and (50 ± 5) % rh, Perform the tests on the test pieces in this atmosphere,
3.2 In cases of dispute use the Following procedure.
Prior to conditioning, dry all specimens at 70 °C to a moisture content below 4 %. Condition these pieces for a minimum of 18 h at (23 ± 1) °C and (50 ± 2) % rh,
Unless otherwise specified, make tests on three specimens.
4 Thickness
4.1 Measure thickness on a single test piece in accordance with ISO 534 using a precision
dial micrometer that applies to the test piece a static load equivalent to (100 ± 10) kPa
4.2 Exceptions to ISO 534
— Make one determination on each of the three conditioned test pieces.
— Take the central value as the result of the thickness of a single sheet; the other two determinations shall be reported.
— Use the millimetre as the unit of thickness.
— Reporting of the standard deviation is optional,
5 Grammage (mass per unit area, basic mass)
5.1 Measure the grammage In accordance with ISO 536.
Principle- The area of each test piece and its mass are measured on conditioned test pieces Mass per unit area is calculated.
5.2 Exceptions to ISO 536
— Ignore clauses 5 and 6.
— Make one determination on each of the three conditioned test pieces having an area of not less than 0,05 m2.
— Determine the mass to an accuracy of 0,5 %.
— Take the central value as the result; report the other two values
6 Dissipation factor and permittivity
6.1 Use any appropriate apparatus described in IEC 60250 for measurement of dissipation factor and permittivity. Test at least three specimens Unless otherwise specified, condition test pieces as per 3.1
6.2 Unless otherwise specified, test at room temperature In accordance with 3.1 usIng alternating voltage at a frequency between 48 Hz and 82 Hz which provides a stress of approximately 0,4 MV1m.
6.3 Report the median values for dissipation factor and permittivity.
7 Tensile strength and elongation
7.1 Determine tensile strength and elongation in accordance with ISO 1924 unless otherwise specified in the specific sheets of IEC 60819.3.
Principle Teat pieces approximately 15 mm wide and 250 mm long, cut in each of the principal directions of the paper, are conditioned, clamped in a tension-testing machine, and exposed to tensile forces sufficient to cause the test piece to break.
7.2 Exceptions to ISO 1924
— Test nine test pieces cut so that the long dimension is parallel to the machine direction of the paper. These results are MD tensile strength.
— Test nine test pieces cut so that the long dimension Is parallel to the cross direction of the paper. These results are CD tensile strength.
— Take the central value of the nine determinations as the result for each direction
— Report the highest and the lowest values,
— Alternatively, the results may be expressed as breaking strength in metres rounded oft to the nearest 100 m
8 Edge-tearing resistance
Li Test apparatus
The test apparatus consists of
— an edge-tear stirrup frame (see figure 1);
— a V-notched plate with a thickness of (1,25 ± 0.05) mm, for use with the stirrup frame;
— a V-notched plate with a thickness of (2.50 ± 0.05) mm, for use with the stirrup frame;
— a tension-testing machine in accordance with clause 7.
8.2 Test pieces
Cut nine test pieces 15 mm to 25 mm wide and at least 250 mm long In such a way that the long direction is parallel to the machine direction of the paper. Label these as MD test pieces.
Cut nine additional test pieces having the same dimensions but with the long direction parallel to the cross direction of the paper. Label these as CD test pieces.
Examine the edges of each test piece. Discard and replace any test pieces which contain a nick or other defects due to the cutting that would influence the test results
Condition and test all test pieces in accordance with 3.1.

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