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IEC 60936-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60936-1:2002 pdf download.Maritime navigation and radiocommunicationequipment and systems – Radar – Part 1: shipborne radar – Performance requirements -Methods of testing and required test results.
3.5 (A413.3) Display
3.5.1 (A413.3.1) The equipment shall provide, without external magnification, a daylight display with a minimum effective diameter within the bearing scale of not less than: (A413.3.1 1) 180mm on ships of ISO GT and more but less than 1 000 GT; (A413.3.1.2) 250mm on ships off 000 GT and more but less than 10 000 07’. (A413.3.1.3) 340mm on ships ollO 000 GT and upwards.
3.5.2 (A413.3.2) The .quipm.nS shall provIde 1?,. following set of rang, scales of display.
0.25. 0,5. 0.75. 1.5. 3. 6. 12 and 24 nautical mil.s
3.5.3 (A413.3.3) Additional larger and smaller range scales may be provided These additional range scales shall be either smaller than 0.25 nauhcal miles o greater than 24 nautical iiil.s,
3.5.4 (A413.3.4j The range scale displayed and the distance between range rings shall be clearly indicated at all times,
3.5.5 (A4l3.3.5) Within the effective display radar video area, the display shall only contain ,normat,on which pertains to the use of the radar display lot navigation or collision avoidance and which has to be displayed there becaus. of its association with a target (e.g. target identifiers, vectors) or because of some other direct relationship with th. radar display.
3.5.1 (A413.3.6) Th. origin of the range scale (radar video) shall start at own ship, be linear and shall not be delayed. Facilities may be provided to adjust the displayed radar origin to compensate for antenna offsets (a g Ia the conning position) If used, a clear indication shall be permanently displayed on the screen.
3.5.7 (A413.3.7) Multi -colour displays are permitted but the following requirements shall be met: (A413.3.7.1) Target echoes shall be displayed by means of the same basic colours and the echo strength shall not be displayed in different colours (A413.3.7.2) Additional information may be shown in different colours. Day and night colours shall be provided
3.5.6 (413.3.8) Th. radar picture and information shall be readable under alt ambient light conditions. There shall be a means of adjusting monitor brilliance. It a light shield is necessary to facilitate operation of the display in high ambient light levels, then means shall be provided for its ready attachment and removal
3.5.9 (A413.3.9. 3.3.10) Radar with chart facility.
These lMO requWemnts address options that are not mandatory They are included in
IEC 60936.3.
3.5.10 (A413.3.l1) Frequency band
The frequency band In use shall be indicated to the operator as X-band or S-band. as applicable
3.6 (A413.4) Rang. measurement
3.6.1 (A413.4.1) Electronic hxed range rings equally spaced from the origin shell be provided for range measurements as follows: (A413.4.1.1) on the range scale 0.25. 0,5. 0.75 nautical mites at least two and not more than six range rings shaH be prov.d.d on each of the other mandatory range scales six range rings shall be provided, and (A413.4.1.2) where oft-centred tacUttes have been provided, additional range nngs shal be provided at the same range Entervails on the mandatory range scales Indicated in 3 5,2. Any number of rang. rings is sHowed on the optional additional rang. scales
3.6.2 (A413.4.2) An electronic variable range marker (VRM) in the form of a ring shall be provided with a numeric readout of range. This readout shall not display any other data Temporary overlaying of the data fields Is permitted. For ranges of less than I nautical mile. thre shall be only one zero before the decimal point. Additional variable range mark•rs meeting he same r.quir.menls may be provided. in which case separate Identifiable readouts shall ti. provided
3.6.3 (A413.4.3) The fixed range rings and the variable rang. markers shall enable the range of an object to be measured with an error not exceeding I % of the maximum rang. of the scale in use, or 30 m. whichever Is greater
3.6.4 (A413.4.4) Th. accuracy of range rings and range markers shaM be maintained when the display Is off-centred
3.6.5 (A413.4.5) Tb. thickness of the ftxed ,aiige rings shall not be giwater than the maximum permissible thickness of the heeding line.
3.6.6 (A413.4.6) On .ll range scales. it shell be possible to set the vaneble range marker with the required precision within 5 a In alt cases A range that is set by the user shall not change automatically when the range scale Es changed
3.6.7 II shall be possible to vary the brilliance of the fixed range rings arid the variable rang. markers, and to remove them ind.pendenuy and completely from the display.
3.7 (A413.5) HeadIng Indication (heading)
3.7.1 (A413.5.1) The heading of the ship shall be indicated by a continuous line on the display with a maximum error of not greater than iV. The thickness of the displayed heading line shall not be greater than 0.5 measured at maximum range at the edge of the radar display, when the display is centred. The heading line shall extend from the trace origin (own ships position) to the edge at the display. A baring scale shall be provided to give an indication of the heading to within (when the display is centred).
3.7.2 (A413.5.2) Provision shall be made to switch off the heading indicator (heading line) by a device which cannot be left in the headiing tine or position.

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