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IEC 61000-4-10:2001 pdf download

IEC 61000-4-10:2001 pdf download.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-10:Testing and measurement techniques -Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test.
The damped oscillatory magnetic field is generated by the switching of H.V. bus-bars by isolators.
The test is mainly applicable to electronic equipment to be installed in H.V. sub-stations, Possible other applications may be considered by the product committees,
The test field consists of a damped oscillatory wave (see figure 2) whose characteristics are given in 6.1,1
Information on the oscillation frequency Is given In annex E.
4 Definitions
The following definitions and terms are used In this standard and apply to the restricted field of magnetic disturbances: not all of them are Included In IEC 60050(161) 11EV).
equipment under test
induction coil
conductor loop of defined shape and dimensions, in which flows a current, generating a magnetic field of defined constancy in its plane and in the enclosed volume
induction coIl factor
ratio between the magnetic field strength generated by an induction coil of given dimensions and the corresponding current value; the field is that measured at the centre of the coil plane. without the EUT
immersion method
method of application of the magnetic field to the EIJT, which is placed in the centre of an induction coil (figure 1)
proximIty method
method of application of the magnetic field to the EUT. where a small induction coil is moved along the side of the EUT in order to detect particularly sensitive areas
ground (reference) plane (GRP)
a flat conductive surface whose potential is used as a common reference for the magnetic
field generator and the auxiliary equipment (the ground plane can be used to close the loop of
the induction coil, as in figure 5)
[1EV 161-04-36, modified)
decoupling network, back filter
electrical circuit intended to avoid reciprocal influence with other equipment not submitted to the magnetic field test
a sequence of a limited number of distinct pulses or an oscillation of limited duration
[1EV 161-02-07]
— low output terminal connected to the earth terminal (for connection to the safety earth of the laboratory):
— precautions to prevent the emission of large disturbances that may be injected In the power supply network or may influence the test results.
The characteristics and performances of the current source or test generator for the field considered in this standard are given in 6.1.1.
6.1.1 CharacterIstics and performances of the test generator
The test generator is a repetitive damped sinusoid current generator with characteristics as follows:
Oscillation frequency: 0.1 MHz and 1 MHz ± 10 %
Decay rate: 50 % of the peak value after 3 to 6 cycles
Repetition rate: at least 40 transients/s at 0.1 MHz. 400 transients/s at 1 MHz
Test duration: 2 s (+10 %. -.0 %) or continuous
Output current range: from 10 A to 100 A. divided by the coil factor
NOTE The output current range for the tandatd cod is from 12 A to 120 A.
The waveform of the output current is given in figure 2.
The schematic circuit of the generator is given in figure 3.
6.1.2 Verification of the characteristics of the test generator
In order to compare the results for different test generators, the essential characteristics of the output current parameters shall be verified.
The output current shall be verified with the generator connected to the standard induction coil specified in 6.2.1 a): the connection shall be realized by twisted conductors or coaxial cable of up to 3 m length and suitable cross-section.
The emission of disturbances by the generator shall be verified (see 6.1). The characteristics to be verified are:
output current peak value;
— damping;
— frequency of oscillation;
— repetition rate.
The verifications shall be carried out with a current probe and oscilloscope or other equivalent measurement instrumentation with 10 MHz minimum bandwidth.
The accuracy of the measurements shall be ±10 %.
6.2 Induction coil
6.2.1 Characteristics of the Induction coil
The induction coil, connected to the test generator previously defined (see 6.1.1). shall generate a field strength corresponding to the selected test level and the defined homogeneity.

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