Home>IEC Standards>IEC 61000-4-25:2001 pdf download

IEC 61000-4-25:2001 pdf download

IEC 61000-4-25:2001 pdf download.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-25: Testing and measurement techniques一 HEMP immunity test methods for equipment and systems.
coupling (HEMP)
interaction of electromagnetic fields with a system to produce currents and voltages on system
surfaces and cables
coupling clamp
device of defined dimensions and characteristics for common mode coupling of the disturbance
signal to the circuit under test without any galvanic connection to it
coupling network
electrical circuit for the purpose of transferring energy from one circuit to another
decoupling network
electrical circuit for the purpose of preventing over-voltages applied to the EUT from affecting
other devices, equipment or systems, which are not under test
degradation (of performance)
undesired departure in the operational performance of any device, equipment or system from
its intended performance
NOTE The term “degradation can apply to a temporary or permanent failure.
[IEV 161-01-19]
electromagnetic disturbance
any electromagnetic phenomenon which may degrade the performance of a device, equipment
or system
[IEV 161-01-05, modified]
electromagnetic interference
degradation of the performance of a device, transmission channel or system caused by an
electromagnetic disturbance
[EV 161-01-06]
electromagnetic susceptibility
inability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an
electromagnetic disturbance
NOTE Suscepbility is a lack of immunity.
[IEV 161-01-21]
EUT (equipment under test)
the equipment under test can be a single unit or multiple units interconnected by cables, data
links. etc.
NOTE Multiple units interconected by cables, etc. are also called a system [see 3.27 below].
fast Fourier transform
mathematical procedure for rapidly computing the direct or inverse Fourier transform of a time
domain signal or of a frequency domain spectrum, respectively. It requires 2m (m = integer)
data points that are equally spaced in time or frequency, and involves much less computation
time than a standard discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
ground reference plane
flat conductive surface, whose potential is used as a common reference
[IEV 161-04-36]
HV transmission line
power line with a nominal a.c. system voltage equal to or greater than 100 kV
short circuit current
current resulting from an abnormal connection of relatively low resistance between two points
of different potentials in a circuit
immunity (to a disturbance)
ability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an
electromagnetic disturbance
IEV 161-01-20]
immunity level
maximum level of a given electromagnetic disturbance incident on a particular device.
equipment or system for which it remains capable of operating at a required degree of
[IEV 161-03-14]
immunity test level
value of an influencing electromagnetic quantity specified for an immunity test
NOTE. It Is to be noted that the text of this definition 1s the same as ftor severity level. A test standard can specty
several severity levels according to dfferent immunity levels.
large HEMP simulator
transient electromagnetic pulse test facllity with a test volume sufficiently large to test objects
with cubical dimensions equal to or greater than 1 mx 1 mx1 m
LV (low-voltage) power circuit
power circuit with a nominal a.c. volage between 120 V and 1 000 V
NOTE The standard voltages in this voltage range are presented in IEC 60038.
MV (medium voltage) distribution power line
power line with a nominal a.c. voltage above 1 kV and not exceeding 35 kV used to distribute
power within a local area
NOTE The standard voltages in this voltage range are presented in IEC 60038.
the physical location (point/port) on the electromagnetic barrier, where EM energy may enter or
exit a topological volume, unless an adequate PoE protective device is provided. A PoE is not,
limited to a geometrical point. PoEs are classified as aperture PoEs or conductor PoEs,
according to the type of penetration. They are also classified as architectural, mechanical,
structural or electrical PoEs, according to the architectural engineering discipline in which they are usually encountered
pulse width
time interval between the points on the leading and traling edges of a pulse at which the
instantaneous value is 50 % of the peak pulse amplitude
rise time (of a pulse)
interval of time between the instants at which the instantaneous value of a pulse first reaches a
specified lower value and then a specified upper value
[IEV 161-02-05]
NOTE In this standard, the lower value is ten (10) percent of the peak. and the upper value is ninety (90) percent of the peak value.

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