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IEC 61076-7:2000 pdf download

IEC 61076-7:2000 pdf download.Connectors for use in d.c.,low frequency analogue and digital high speed data applications -Part 7: Cable outlet accessories with assessed quality,including qualification and capability approval -Sectional specification.
3 Quality assessment procedures
Essentially, the IEC Quality Assessment System for electronic components is based on three concepts:
• The manufacturer shall fulfil certain specified requirements (e.g., regarding organisatlon. see also 3.5).
• The component shall be qualified (i.e., it shall successfully have passed a qualification approval testing and its qualification shall be approved, see also 3.6).
• The quality of the components produced for being delivered shall Comply with the relevant specification (i.e.. the quality shall be inspected and the result of this Inspection shall be recorded, see also 3.7).
Details are given in the Basic Rules and in this specification.
3.1 Primary stage of manufacture
The primary stage of manufacture, as defined In QC 001002, Is the first process subsequent to the manufacture of finished piece parts and sub-assemblies. A sub-assembly is defined as the permanent assembly of two or more piece parts.
This primary stage of manufacture and all subsequent processes shall be carried out under the direct surveillance of the manufacturer’s approved Chief Inspector. Subcontractors may carry them out providing equivalent disciplines apply.
3.2 Structurally similar components
Cable outlet accessories having the same basic design and the same surface finish are considered to be structurally similar components as defined in QC 001002. They may be different in other features, such as shell size. etc., but the same manufacturing process and method must have produced them.
Structurally similar components may be covered by one common or by several detail specifications.
Components covered by one common detail specification may usually be considered to be structurally similar. Additional details may be prescribed in the detail specification.
For different surface finish, material and manufacture method, additional specimens have to be defined in the detail specification.
For the purpose of quality conformance inspection and of sampling, all structurally similar components may be aggregated into one inspection lot.
33 System of levels
The term level is used with the following different meanings and should be clearly distinguished. The detail specification may contain more than one level or a combination of levels, Details of the levels and their combinations shall be specified in the detail specification. Their designation shall be In accordance with 2.6.
3.3.1 Performance level
The term performance lever reflects a grouping of the environmental and mechanical stresses to which a component is tested and also such features as long-term stability of electrical characteristics. It is based on four factors:
• Climatic category
• The test schedule
• The seventies of the test conditions (magnitude and combination of stress)
• The end-of-test requirements
It also permits the following differences between levels to be stated:
• Further characteristics to be specified in addition to those that are mandatory
• Different (closer) tolerances on characteristics
• Different seventies for environmental testing
A variation in one or more of these factors will result in a different performance level.
Clause 4 of this specificaton contains a basic (minimum) test schedule, and a full test schedule Both schedules are explicitly given while an intermediate test schedule’ is mentioned together with instructions on how to specify an Intermediate test schedule. These test schedules together with the seventies to be applied and requirements to be fulfilled, as specified In the detail specification, define the performance levels of the componenL
A given component with its type designation has one performance level only, If two components differ in their performance levels, they must be considered as two different components and they must have different type designations.
For designating performance levels within any single detail specification, a number I to 9 shall be used. The numbers shall be random.
33.2 Assessment level
An assessment level is the combination of sample size and number of detectives permitted,
For fixed sample size, the number of specimens to be tested and the number of defectives permitted define the assessment level. Fixed sample sizes are usually applied for qualification approval testing and for periodic tests within quality conformance inspection.
For variable sample size, the assessment level Is defined by the inspection Level (IL)’. and the ‘Acceptable Quality Level (AOL). Variable sample sizes are usually applied for lot-by-lot tests.
For designation of assessment levels within any single detail specification, the letters A and H shall be used as indicated in table 9. where A is the lowest permitted level. For other assessment levels, other letters may be used in a random manner (for example V for military application).
3.3,3 Inspection level (IL)
The Inspection level determines the sample size relative to the lot size (see IEC 60410).

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