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IEC 61347-2-10:2000 pdf download

IEC 61347-2-10:2000 pdf download.Lamp controlgear -Part 2-10:Particular requirements for electronic invertors and convertors for high-frequency operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes).
2 Normative references
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61347, the normative references given In clause 2 of IEC 61347-1 which are mentioned in this standard apply, together with the following normative references:
IEC 61347-1, Lamp controlgear— Part I: Genera? and safety requirements ISO 3864:1984. Safety colours and safely signs
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61347, the definitions given in clause 3 of IEC 61347-1, with the except ion of definitions 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 apply. together with the following:
tubular cold cathode discharge lamp (neon tub.)
discharge tube having cathodes which may be coated with an electron emitting material and which, during the starting process without external heating, emits electrons by field emission. These lamps have a low-pressure filling of a rare gas (or a mixture of rare gases) and possibly mercury vapour. They can have an inside coating of fluorescent materials
no-load rated output voltage
maximum rated voltage between the output terminals or the ends of the integral connecting leads of the lnvertor or convertor connected to the rated supply voltage at rated frequency. with no load on the output circuit. It is the r.m.s value or the peak value divided by 2 (whichever is the greater)
electric energy transducer that converts direct current to alternating current
unit for the electronic conversion of s.c. supply at one frequency to an s.c. supply at another frequency
earth-leakage protective device
device which removes the output power from an invertor or convertor in the event of an earth fault current flowing between any part of the output high-voltage circuit and earth
op.n-circult protectiv, device
device which removes the output power from an invertor or convertor In the event of non. operation of the tube load or an interruption in the output high-voltage circuit
NOTE An opan-circuil prolecLive device may operat, by del.cting an increase Wi the output voltage o by other suitable means.
upper shut-down limit
output voltage of an invertor or convertor at which an open-circuit protective device operates
output circuit
that part of the circuit consisting of
a) cables between the Output terminals of the convertor or invertor and the discharge tubes:
b) discharge tubes;
C) any series connections between the discharge tubes.
It does not Include any internal components or wiring of the invertor or converlor
4 General requirements
The general requirements of clause 4 of 1EC 61347-1 apply.
5 General notes on tests
The general requirements of clause 5 of iC 61347.1 apply.
6 Classification
The requirements of clause 6 of IEC 61347.1 apply, together with the following:
Inverlors and convertors shall be classified according to their no-load output voltage, the rating of the operating frequency and output current range, as follows:
a) type A invertor or convertor;
b) type B invertor or convertor.
Type B Invertors or convertors may have more than one output. in this case, each output shall comply with the above.
7 Marking
7.1 Item to be marked
Elecironic invertors and convertors for high-frequency operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps shall be clearly and durably marked, in accordance with the requirements of 7.2 of IEC 61347-1, with the following markings:
– Items a), b). C), d). 0) and I) of 7.1 of IEC 61347-1. together with
– on independent electronic invertors and convertors. a warning notice for high voltage, e.g. HIGH VOLTAGE and a synbol in the form of an arrow in accordance with IEC 60417 and figure 1 of ISO 3864.
This marking shall bea placed on the outside of the enclosure of the electronic Invertor or convertor so that It Is clearly visible.
NOTE lie not necessary to mark nlegral inverlofa or converlors separately as lh04r rnarkng Is the B-idf act o4 relevant sign or lumnare standards,
— type A or type B as applicable.
7.2 DurabilIty and legibility of marking
In addition to the above mandatory marking, the following information, if applicable, shall be given on the electronic invertor or convertor, or be made available in the manufacturer’s catalogue or similar:
— Items h), k). m). n) and 0) of 7.1 of IEC 61347.1. together with
— if the electronic invertor or convertor COnSIStS ol more than one separate unit, the unhls providing Ihe output shall be marked with necessary information about other associated units such as d.c power supplies or capacitors;
— the range and number of tube types, diameters and lengths recommended for the invertor or convertor.

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