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IEC 61966-3:2000 pdf download

IEC 61966-3:2000 pdf download.Multimedia systems and equipment – Colour measurement and management – Part 3: Equipment using cathode ray tubes.
5 Conditions
5.1 Environmental conditions
All measurements specified in this standard shall be carried out in an area free from significant electroma9netic fields. All the measurements in this standard, except those in clause 13, shall be performed in a dark room environment. Particular attention should be paid to preventing reflected illumination caused by the ambient objects (desktop, wall, etc.) and direct illumination from light-emitting indicators ci measuring instruments.
One hour of warm up lime should precede the measurements in 7.2, 9.2. 10.2, 11,2 and 14.2. unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer of the equipment.
The mains voltage and frequency should be at the rated value specified by the manufacturer of a CRT display. When the mains voltage fluctuates, a regulated power supply shall be used to maintain the supply voltage to within 5 % 01 the rated value.
Other environmental conditions such as room temperature and relative humidity shall be reported together with the results of the measurements.
If additional environmental conditions are described in the manufacturer’s specifications, these should be taken into account.
5.2 Conditions of measurements
a) Contrast. brightness and additional adjustments shall be set to the positions specified by the manufacturer of the CRT display under measurement. When the adjustment is not in line with the manufacturer’s specification, the actual position or corresponding value shall be reported with the results of the measurements.
b) Equipment arrangement for non•contact measurements shall be as shown in Figure 1. This arrangement incorporates a spectroradiorneter or a non•contact colorimeter, depending on the characteristics to be measured, The instrument optical axis shall be normal to the centre of the surface of the CRT display. The distance d shall be 4h or greater.
NOTE It is recommencted to take precautions so that the measurement is not influenced by vibration and no pickro ptem are missing within the fi.id ot view of th. measunng Instrument,
6 Measurement equipment
6.1 Spectroradiometer
A spectroradiometer with the following specifications should be used for the measurements.
a) wavelength range including 380 nm to 780 nm
b) field of view between 0.1° and 2,0°
C) wavelength uncertainty less than 0,5 nm throughout the wavelength range
d) scanning interval 5 nm or less
e) bandpath 5 nm or less
f) repeatability 0,001 In x. y and 0.5 % In luminance
g) uncertainty 0.005 In x. y for red, green, blue and white of a CRT and 4 % In luminance (cd/m2).
The ( x,y ) is the CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinate.
NOTE I Periodic calibration should be done with a standard source of known spectral power dastnution, NOTE 2 Further technical details of the design, characterisation and calibration of spectroradioineters can be found n CIE 63 and (7).
NOTE 3 The held of view should be chosen, together with the distance d , so that the measured area on the CRT display meets the requirements of 5.2 e).
6.2 Colorimeter
The colorimeter should have the following specifications:
a) measurement area (contact type) 0,05 h to 0.15 h , where h is the effective screen height
of the CRT display:
b) field of view (non-contact type) any value between 0.1 ° 2.0°;
C) spectral responsivity compliant to the CIE 2° Colour matching tunctions as
defined in ISO1CIE 10527
d) repeatability 0.002 in , y and 0.5 % for luminance.
e) uncertainty 0,005 in • y for red, green, blue and white of the CRT
and 4 % in luminance in candela per square metre.
The ( a. y ) is the CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinate defined in CIE 15.2.
NOTE I The held of view Should be chosen, logeiher with the distance d. so that the measured area on the CRY display meets the requirements of 5.2 e).
NOTE 2 lIthe origlnai uncertainty of the cotorimeter does not meet this recommendation, correction methods are available 10 improve the accuracy for the CRT display measurement, (See (1) and (2). and 1131)
NOTE 3 The instrument should be calibrated periodically to assure th, uncertainty recommendation given in).

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