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IEC 61991:2000 pdf download

IEC 61991:2000 pdf download.Railway applications – Rolling stock – Protective provisions against electrical hazards.
IEC 60536 (all parts), Classification of electrical and electronic equipment with regard to
protection against electric shock
IEC 60850,— Railway applications — Supply voltages of traction systems 1)
IEC 61310-1:1995, Safety of machinery — Indication, marking and actuation — Part 1:
Requirements for visual, auditory and tactile signals
IEC 62128,— Railway applications — Protective provisions against electrical hazards — Electric equipment for fixed installations )
3 Definitions
For the purposes of IEC 61991. the following definitions apply. For more information relating to definitions of parts of the fixed installations, refer to IEC 62128 from which these definitions are derived.
NOTE In order to avoid risks Cl mIsunderstanding, detinitrons used In the test arc written In italics.
3.1 Definitions concerning persons involved
skilled person
person who can judge the wont assigned to him and recognize possible dangers on the basis of his professional training, knowledge and experience and of hIs knowledge of the relevant requirements
instructed person
person informed about Ihe tasks assigned to him and about possible dangers involved in neglectful behaviour and who, it necessary, has been given a degree of training
ordinary person
any person who cannot be defined either as a skilled person or as an instructed person
3.2 Other definitions
closed electrical operating area
any room or location which serves excluiv&y lot the operation ol electrical equipment and is kept secure by a means appropriate to the voltage and location
NOTE I Aoc.ss to such ara is perm riled onty to siuiled persons and instructed peisons.
NOTE 2 TIle delmition ol cjosed elecincal operating area can be suitable to, umdwitoor or uppr rool cabinets, Generally speaking It is any location (Inside or outside the car bodyl which Is kep4 secure because of the voltage that can assume the equipment Inside It. Access to such areas is not allowed to uinamy persons
contact line
conductor system for supplying electrical energy to vehicles through current-collecting equipment
contact wire
electric conductor of an overhead contact line with which the current collectors make contact
direct contact
contact of persons or livestock with live parts
conductive mass of the earth, whose electrical potential at any point is conventionally taken as equal to zero
electrical operating area
any room or location which serves primarily for the operation of electrical equipment and is normally entered only by skilled persons or instructed persons
NOTE Th• d&imton 01 ciosed electncat operaIin area can be sutabf for underfloor or upper roof cabinets. Generally speaking lie any location (inSide or outside the car bodyl which Is kept secure because Dl the voltage that can assume the equipnient inside It, Access to such areas is not aliowd to otdinary persons
electric chock
dangerous physiological effect resulting from the passing of an electric current through a human or animal body
exposed conductive part
any metallic or other form of conductive material which is not energized except in case of failure, and which may be accessible to touch
termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function
condition that can lead to a potential accident or an actual accident
indirect contact
contact of persons or livestock with exposed conductive parts which have become live under fault conditions
InterlockIng device
device which makes the operation of a switching device dependent upon the position or operation of one or more other pieces of equipment
live part
conductor or conductive part intended to be energized in normal use, including a neutral conductor.
nominal voltage
voltage by which an installation or part of an installation is designated
NOTE 1 The vltages are expresed by the value between poles. rppl-r-e for d.c.. and by the r.m.s. value
between phases for a.c.
NOTE 2 The actual voltage may dfler from the nominal voltage by a quantity within permittd tolerances. For
further information about traction systems supply voltages, see 1EC 60850.
part preventing unintentional direct contact, but not preventing direct contact by deliberate
power circuit
circuit carrying the current of the machines and equipment, such as convertors and traction
motors, which transmit the traction output
protective bonding
equipotential connection for protective purposes
protective conductor
conductor used ftor some protective measures for protection against electric shock for
electrically connecting any of the following parts:
exposed conductive parts;
main earthing terminal;
earth electrode;
earthed point of the source or artificial neutral.

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