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IEC 62026-1:2000 pdf download

IEC 62026-1:2000 pdf download.Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) Part 1:General rules.
CDI component
device, controller or other component for which the requirements are specified in a CDI part
CDI power supply
power supply with characteristics and parameters suitable for the CDi’s functionality and capability
CDI power distribution medium
inter-connecting means used to transfer power within a CDI
NOTE In the case 01 a CDI that has ‘power on the communication medium’ architecture, the CDI power distribution medium also translers data within the CDI.
physical unit containing application elements and that may contain communication elements
EXAMPLES: control circuit device (see 2.2.16 of IEC 60947-1), presence sensing device, pressure sensing device, actuator, annunciator, operator terminal, motor controller. current sensor, valve control, data logger, bar-code scanner, push-button, pilot light, etc.
device profile
representation of device functionality available to the CDI
process of data exchange which occurs when a device or controller produces one message to multiple devices and’or controllers for their appropriate action
process of data exchange which occurs when a device or a controller sends data to, or requests data from, a specific device or controller
NOTE The receiving device responds to the polling by acting according to the data it receives or by returning its status data, When tins transaction is completed, the device pelts ths next device in a predetermined sequence
process of data exchange which occurs when a device or a controller sends a single request for data from one or more devices andlor controllers
NOTE Each device receiving the inessae then responds with its requested data en a predetermined sequence.
4 ClassificatIons
This clause in the specific CDI parts shall list the classifications below, where applicable, with appropriate details:
— CDI components;
— interfaces;
– topology;
— information exchanges;
— attributes.
5 Characteristics
This clause in the specific CDI parts shall list the applicable characteristics described below
with appropriate details.
5.1 CDI components
Specific CDI parts shall specify requirements for the devices, controllers and other components that may be used.
5.2 Interlaces
Specific CDI parts shall include information on the following, t applicable;
— procedural, such as what needs to happen first, second, etc when the interface system powers up and down, and eslablishes and terminates data exchange across the interface;
— Information exchanges, Such as what a device Is requested to do across an interlace; EXAMPLES: polling, change of state;
— services and protocol, i.e. the message structure and content that crosses the interface; EXAMPLES: peer-to-peer, master-slave;
– device and controller behaviour as viewed from the CDI;
— mechanical, i.e. the shape, construction, pin size, etc.:
— electrical, such as the voltage, current and timing of the bit levels on the CDI;
— functional. Le what interlace connections provide which functions.
5.3 Topology
Specific CDI parts shall specify the topologies that may be used.
EXAMPLES: daisy chain, star, tree, trunkidrop.
5.4 InformatIon exehanges
Specific CDI parts shall specify the information exchanges that may be used.
5.5 Attributes
Specific CDI parts shall specify the applicable attribute values including as a minimum
– data transmission rate (in bits per second):
maximum communication medium length or end to end distance;
– message length for single transmission:
EXAMPLES; 4 bits. 8 bytes;
– maximum node count per system:
and other Information to support the evaluation of the transmission time of the CDI.
6 Product information
6.1 InstructIons for installation, operation and maintenance
The manufacturer shall specify in the documents or catalogues the conditions for installation. operation and maintenance of the CDI components. The Instructions shall specify the measures to be taken, if any, for achieving EMC compliance described in 8.2.
6.2 ProfIles
Devices and controllers shall be marked with, or shall include in the instructions for operation, identification of the device profile(s) supported.
6.3 Marking
CDI components shall be marked with
a) manufacturers name or trade mark:
b) type designation or other marking which makes it possible to identify the CDI component and to get the relevant information from the manufacturer or his catalogue;
C) reference to the relevant CDI parts:
d) any additional marking required by the relevant CDI paris.
For CDI components that do not have the physical space to accommodate required markings, the Information shall be provided on a label or in the manufacturer’s documentation.
6.4 Degree of protection
The manufacturer shall state the degree of protection according to annex C of lEG 60947-1.
7 Normal service, mounting and transport conditions
7.1 General
The following requirements shall be met for all CDI components.
NOTE If the conditions lot operStion differ frown those given in this standard ow by the manufacturer, the user eJouId slate the deviation from the standard conditions and acquire an agreement with the manufacturer on the satabiliIy for rice under luch Conditions. IMorrnation given in the manufacturers catalogue may take the place o4 Such an agreement.

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