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IEC 80416-1:2001 pdf download

IEC 80416-1:2001 pdf download.Basic principles for graphical symbols
for use on equipment – Part 1:Creation of symbol originals.
7.2 Application of the basic pattern
To achieve a visual impression of uniformity between graphical symbols, the symbol original shall fit Into the basic pattern according to the following principles:
a) for a symbol original consisting of a single geometrical form, such as a circle, a square or a rectangle, the corresponding geometrical forms of the basic pattern should be used;
b) for the other symbol originals, care should be taken to ensure that the symbol originals have the same visual impression and uniformity and are consistent with those in ISO 7000 and IEC 60417-2;
C) the key element in the basic pattern, with regard to the nominal size, is the 50 mm basic square 2. The basec circle 3 and the rectangles 5 and 6 have the same surface area. Circles without external parts should therefore be drawn on the basic circle 3, and rectangles should be drawn on the rectangles 5 and 6, in order to achieve the same visual Impression of size as the 50 mm basic square 2. Circles with external graphical symbol elements should be drawn on the circle 4:
d) the visual impression of size of symbol originals drawn using the basic pattern corresponds to the 50 mm nominal size;
a) symbol originals should be created to the largest size possible, in line with the above principles, and shall not extend beyond the basic pattern, the octagon 8:
f) insofar as it is practicable, the lines of the symbol original should be centred on the lines of the basic pattern.
In case the centre of a line being in contact with the octagon 8. half of a thickness of the line may extend beyond the octagon. However, the outer border of the line shall not exceed the 75 mm square I as shown in figure 6.
NOTE 2 Where the Intended size of reproduchen of a Cymbal orlgwtal 5 Small, or the vlewmg distance is large, for example on a small key cap, particular attention should be given to avoiding unnecessary detail and complexity in the creation of the symbol original. it should be noted that legibdity also depends upon other factors such as the level of Illumination and luminance contrast.
8 Application of symbol originals
In practice, to improve the appearance and perceptibility of a symbol original in use, or to coordinate with the design of the equipment to which it is to be applied, it may be necessary. for example:
a) to change the line thickness;
b) to round the corners;
C) tO fill areas of the graphical symbol:
d) to modify the design of arrows according to ISO 804 16-2;
e) to interrupt crossing lines;
1) to negate a graphical symbol.
The user Is normally free to make such changes provided that the visual design criteria of the
symbol originals are maintained.
NOTE Detailed guidelines for the application of symbol originals ar, under development,
9 Creation procedure
Creation of a symbol original should follow the following procedure:
a) identification of a need for the graphical symbol;
b) clear and unambiguous description of the purpose of the graphical symbol and identification of any orientation considerations (see 4.2);
C) analysis of the characteristics of the intended users, the task involved and context of use;
d) consideration of existing or proposed symbol originals in the same andlor related fields;
e) design of the symbol original as described In Clause 7;
f) consideration of legibility and comprehension of the symbol original In the context of Its use.
All newly created symbol originals shall be adopted, in line with ISOIIEC Directives, with the designation systems specified in Clause 10.
NOTE The degree of comprehension may be Influenced by the education 01 the target users andfo the ProvIsion of instructional materials
10 DesignatIon systems
Any symbol original shall have only one registration number, either from IEC TC 3!SC 3C or from ISO TC 145!SC 3. The designation system applied to each symbol original in IEC 60417 and ISO 7000 consists of the following:
a) the reference of the International Standard, either IEC 60417 or ISO 7000;
b) a hyphen;
C) the registration number of the symbol original.
Example: IEC 60417-5115 ISO 7000-0091.

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