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IEC 82045-1:2001 pdf download

IEC 82045-1:2001 pdf download.Document management- Part 1: Principles and methods.
Information model; conceptual schema
implementation independent specification of information structures
electronic document management system (abbr. EDUS)
computer-based application dealing with the management of documents throughout the document life cycle
3.2 Document related issues
metadata for documents
data for the description of documents and their management
subject information of a document
fixed and structured amount of information that can be managed and interchanged as a unit between users and systems
(ISOJIEC 8613•1. modified)
NOTE This unit may not nec.ssanly b human perceptible. lntormalon is usually stored on a data m•dium,
collection of documents related to a given subject
NOTE This may enclude technical. commercial and/or other documenhi
[IEC 62023)
document part
part of a document having a function of its own
[IEC 62023]
aggregated document
document containing separately identified documents (parts) that are logically dependent but can be physically independently managed
NOTE An aggregated document tas its own metadala
compound document
document consisting of several embedded files in a specified file structure
document set
collection of documents that are managed together as a unit for a specific purpose
NOTE Th. metadata oh the document set dscribea which documents it consists oh The set has iii own metaoala, but not Its own content.
document life cycle
period from the conceptual idea to the logical and physical deletion of a document
document version
identified state of a document in its life cycle, recorded so that it can be retrieved as a record or for distribution purposes
document revision
formally approved document version
3.3 Product related Issues
intended or accomplished result of labour, or of a natural or artificial process
NOTE I A product usually a part numbq, order number, typ designation, ai’id’or a name
NOTE 2 A technical system. panl, or services can be considered as a product.
(IEC 61 346-11
product life cycle
period from the conceptual idea to the ultimate disposal of a product
(ISO 15226, modified]
3.4 Workf low related issues
maturity level
purpose-oriented degree of completeness of information with regard to the intended final object which is reflected in documents
elf ectivity
identification of the valid use of a document version tracked by date or event
conhirmatlon by an authority that something conforms to previously defined requirements
formal activity of an authority declaring the document effective for a declared purpose in the process cycle
arrangement of the elements of a system
[ISO 9000:2000]
NOTE Further detinihons and guidance on principles and practice related to oontiguralion at. availabl, in ISO
configuration control
activities comprising the control of changes to a configuration item after formal establishment of its configuration documents
[ISO 100071
4 PrincIples of document management
4.1 General
For the management of documents within their life cycle and for their exchange between partners, documents shall be associated with a set of metadata. i.e. data identifying and.or describing the document.
Such metadata may appear
— as visible part of a document presentation;
— In a document tile transferred between document management systems;
— be associated to a document in a document management system:
— as a separate set of data managed independently from the document for search and retrieval purposes.
NOTE In a paper-based environment there is no clear distinction between metadata and content because both appear in the same object By introducing an EOMS both aspects should be clearly separated
4.2 Processes supported by metadata
Metadata provide a separate added value to the document, as they allow to manage. search. retrieve, etc. within a repository of metadata,
Pan 2 of International Standard 82045 provides a list of predelined data element types supporting a semantically correct description of documents for the purpose of document exchange and sharing.
Metadata support the following subjects:
— viewing and reproduction process of documents (the presentation aspect);
— identification of documents (the organization aspect):
– workflow and version management of the document (the life cycle aspect) and,
— relations between documents and associated products (the product aspect).
4.3 Document concepts
The document concept covers not only traditional paper-based documents, but also computer-based information that is handled as a unhl (a closed container of information). This unit is identified, structured, processed, controlled, interchanged and communicated.
Documents in this standard can be a single document, a compound document, an aggregated document or a document set.

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