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IEC TR 62060:2001 pdf download

IEC TR 62060:2001 pdf download.Secondary cells and batteries – Monitoring of lead acid stationary batteries – User guide.
6 Characteristics
6.1 Temperature
6.1.1 General considerations
The temperature is a critical parameter for VRLA and VLA batteries, The following temperature parameters all apply to both VRIA and VLA batteries with the exception of the influence on water consumption, which relates only to VLA batteries.
6.1.2 SpecIfic considerations Influence on available battery capacity
Available battery capacity is influenced by the battery temperature. In order to accommodate for various temperatures (10 Gc to 30 C), a capacity compensation of 0.6% per degree Celsius is normally applied (see also IEC 60896 series). For high rate discharges, the capacity compensation coefficient can be considerably larger Influence on battery life span
The battery life span Is normally specified at 20 °C and is Influenced by the operating temperature. Elevated temperatures lead to a shortening of useful battery life. For a constant temperature increase of 10 C. the life is expected to be reduced by approximately 50%. Influence on battery charg. state
In order to maintain a fully charged stationary battery, a d.c. voltage is applied across the battery to compensate for the effect of self-discharge. The battery self-discharge is influenced by the temperature and increases progressively with temperature. Influence on battery charge current
At a given constant voltage, the float current passing through a fully charged stationary battery increases progressively with increasing battery temperature. Where the battery temperature is higher than normal, consideration should be given to reduce the float charge current into the cell or monobloc battery by adjusting the output of the charger (e.g. by reducing the voltage). This procedure can not only assist in prolonging battery life, but it also reduces the risk of thermal run-away. In such circumstances, reference should be made to the battery manufacturer’s recommendations. Influence of ripple currents on battery temperature
Ripple currents generate heat within the battery resulting in an increase of battery operating tern perature. Influence on water consumption
The rate 01 water consumption and the frequency of water service intervals depend on the battery design, operating conditions and temperature. Increasing temperatures demand frequent water servicing.
6.1.3 Data measurement analysis DecIsion tree
The procedure for making temperature measurements and the subsequent analysis of the data generated is shown in figure 3. An explanation of the terms used is given in the following text. Temperature difference in the battery: A”
A poor design of a battery inslallahon or a faulty battery can cause considerable temperature variations within a string of cells. When the difference between the maximum cell or monobloc battery temperature and the minimum cell or monobloc temperalure exceeds A (In degrees Celsius). there is a risk of reducing the battery electrical performance. If. for example. a battery Is mounted in several tiers, there may be a battery temperature difference of several degrees between the upper and the lower units. The battery manufacturer shall state what temperature differences are accepted within a battery. Dlfterence between battery and ambient temperature: “B”
For a persistent (>24 h), average temperature difference “F (in degrees Celsiusl, between the battery temperature and the ambient temperature, there is a risk of thermal run-away or other faulty functions in the battery. This characteristic applies only to the float charge operation and does not apply to the discharge operation. High battery temperature: “c”
For battery temperatures above C (in degree Celsius). there is a risk of thermal run-away. In order to reduce this risk, a battery installation should be provided with appropriate cooling. Table of values for terms A to C
Typical values are given in table 2. Specific values should be obtained from the battery manufacturer.
6.2.2 Specific consideration – DC components Charging and discharging.

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