Home>IEC Standards>IEC TS 61400-13:2001 pdf download

IEC TS 61400-13:2001 pdf download

IEC TS 61400-13:2001 pdf download.Wind turbine generatorsystems —
Part 13: Measurement of mechanicalloads.
Grid failure
The loads arising from grid failure shall be considered. It is recommended 10 perform the simulation of grid disconnection above rated wind speed and near cut-out wind speed. Overspeed activation of the protection system
The loads during activation of flue protection system due to turbine overspeed shall be measured. All combinations of braking procedures and activation methods shall be considered. It is recommended to perform this test above rated wind speed.
Table 2 Measurement of transient load cases related to the DLCs defined in IEC 61400-1
Ideally me measuenients shotid be taken at v. As this is impractical, the measurements are taken at iond speeds high than ,, . 2 in/s
3.2.4 Capture matrix
The capture matrix is used to organize the measured time series The capture matrix has two objectives: it can be used as a guideline for programming the data acquisition System for automatic and unattended operation and it can be used as a tool to decide when the measurement requirements are fulfilled.
For steady-state operation, the operational condition is defined and the mean wind speed and turbulence intensity are calculated. It it is decided to store the time series, the relevant matrix element is updated Consequently, it is simple to decide when the recommended number of limo series is reached. For a transient event the actual wind speed is written in the capture matrix.
The bin sizes of the matrix and the number 04 data sets in each matrix element have to be adapted for each specific measurement campaign. If the relevant status parameters from the control system are recorded, capturing the measurements during some of the transient events can be recorded automatically too. The scheme of the complete capture matrix is given in table 3.
If the measurement site terrain characteristics differ significantly in the various wind direction sectors, the capture matrix can additionally be divided into pre-selected wind directions sectors. The overall requirements on the database remain the same.
Power production
During the measurement campaign the data should be classified according to the wind speed and turbulence intensity. Even though there is no requirement on the turbulence intensity at high wind speeds, the recorded data shall be classified according to the turbulence bins.
It is recommended that the wind speed be divided into bin intervals of I m/s and the turbulence intensity into 2 % bin Intervals. The accumulated number of 10-mm time series at each wind speed bin up to v1 shall be at least 30. This corresponds to 5 h of raw data In total at each wind speed bin fromto v. in addition to the totally required amount of data, the measurements shall be recorded at different turbufence intensities. As a minimum four turbulence bins at each wind speed bin should include at least three time series.
In the wind speed range from v, to vout minus 5 m/s the accumulated number of 1O.mln lime series at each wind speed bin shall be at least eight. No further conditions are put on the turbulence Intensity In the same range Of v to mInus 5 m/s. In the wind speed bin from minus 5 rn/s up to i, the duration of the time series to be recorded may be reduced to 2 mm. At least three time series at each wind speed bin from minus 5 mis to minus 1 rn/s should be recorded, At least one time series shall be recorded at bj. No conditions are put on the turbulence intensity in the range from in minus 5 m/s to VQ. The 2min time series may be derived from the 10-mm time series, on condition that there is no overlap In the resulting 2mln series.
Power production and occurrence of fault
The wind speed is divided into three intervals, from Vt minus 6 mIs to i- minus 2 mis, from minus 2 mis to, plus 2 mis, and for wind speeds larger than , pIus 2 mis. The duration of each time series shall be more than 2 min The relevant fault conditions shall be evaluated for each particular case.
Parked (standstIll or idling)
The wind speed bin size for standstill or idling MLC5 is recommended to be 4 mfs. The duration 01 the time series is recommended to be 10 mm. Measurements at parked conditions should be made at a variety of yaw misalignment angles, including the most untavourable inflow angles.

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