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IEEE 383-2015 pdf download

IEEE 383-2015 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and Splices for Nuclear Facilities.
A qualified life is not required for cables and splices located in a mild environment. if the cables and splices are operated within the limits established by applicable specifications and standards. Failures associated with unanticipated conditions should be evaluated to determine if the root cause requires corrective actions to prevent the occurrence of common-cause failures.
a) Specific Qualifwaiion. In specific qualification, the qualification criteria are established for a set of requirements designed to envelop a single application. The qualification program shall demonstrate operability of a cable and splice under all applicable service conditions, including time. For specific qualification, the specified electrical parameters may be used in lieu of the cable or splice’s rated parameters.
b) Generic Qualificalion. In generic qualification, the qualification specification criteria are established for a generic set of requirements designed to envelop a number of applications. To establish qualification for a specific application, the specific application requirements shall be equal to or less severe than the generic qualification requirements.
The specific or generic qualification of Class 1 E cables and splices and its application interfaces shall be accomplished by using one or more of the methods described in the following suhclauses.
5.2 Qualification by type testing
Type testing of sample cable or splice is the preferred method of qualification. Clause 6 provides additional information on methods for type testing. The type tests shall be designed to demonstrate that the cable or splice is capable of performing its Class I E functions after being subjected to stresses caused by specified service conditions, including DRE. for its qualified life. The tests shall simulate conditions that meet or exceed the specified service conditions at the location of the cable or splice. Test samples shall be assembled by documented production or fabrication assembly methods and then subjected to the test program. The components of the sample shall be selected at random if in production, or a prototype shall be manufactured and assembled using simulated production procedures. They shall be tested in a position that represents their most severe generic or plant-specific application.
Qualification by type testing shall include the collection and analysis of data necessary to demonstrate the following:
a) The test sample is representative of assemblies in actual plant applications.
b) The test conditions are at least as severe as the conditions defined in the qualification plan.
c) The test data gathered relating to test sample performance factors are sufficient to enable the user to determine if the required safety functions can be achieved for the specific applications.
5.3 Qualification with operating experience
Auditable operating experience data are best used to establish qualification for normal service conditions of cables or splices: to determine extrapolation limits, failure modes, and failure rates; or to confirm prior conclusions regarding service condition effects. Operating experience data are generally of limited use when establishing qualification to harsh DBE conditions and may be used if the in-service samples have performed successfully during applicable DBE conditions after exposure to aging conditions. Documentation of the operating environment shall include details of physical location and installation-related information of the cables or splices in the operating facilities. The cables or splices shall be considered to be qualified when it can be demonstrated that:
a) The documented service conditions are at least as severe as the service conditions of the intended application.
b) The cable or splice being qualified is representative of those in service.
c) The documented peribmiance of the in-service cables and splices is equal to or exceeds the specified performance requirements.
The qualification report shall identify and justify any differences that exist in satisfying the requirements described in this subclause. The period of time tbr which this demonstration can be documented shall designate the qualified life of the product.
5.4 Qualification with analysis
Qualification by analysis alone is not acceptable. Analysis shall be performed only as a supplement to type testing and operating experience for such purposes as the following:
a) Support test assumptions and results.
b) Evaluate test data or operating experience data.
c) Determine the cause of a test failure and. where justified. establish qualification to less-severe service conditions or acceptance criteria.

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