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IEEE 386-2016 pdf download

IEEE 386-2016 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Separable lnsulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Rated 2.5 kV through 35 kV.
The capacitance between the test point and the conductor system shall be at least 1 .0 pF. The ratio of the capacitance between test point and shield to the capacitance between test point and conductor system shall not exceed 12.0. These values shall be verified by tests when conducted in accordance with 7.17.1.
6.5.2 Cap removal force
The force required to remove the test-point cap shall be within the range of 36 N to 218 N (8 lbf to 49 lbt). The cap operating eye shall be capable of withstanding a static operating force of 445 N (100 lbf) over the environmental temperature range of—20 °C to +65 °C (see 7.16.1).
6.6 Hold-down bails
Dimensions and materials are not specified in this standard.
6.7 Bushing well stud torque withstand
The 3/8”— 1 6 threaded stud in the bushing well shall withstand a minimum torque of 23 N•m (1 7 ft•lbf) without stripping or fracturing (see 7.19).
6.8 Thermal cycle withstand
Non-elastomeric connector components shall withstand temperature cycling from —40 °C to +130 °C without cracking, breaking, or impairing the ability to meet the other requirements of this standard when tested according to the procedure in 7.20.
7. Testing
7.1 Production tests
The following production tests shall be performed by the manufacturer on all connector components except
grounding devices:
a) Partial discharge test (see 7.4)
b) AC withstand or full-wave impulse withstand voltage (see 7.5.1 and 7.5.3)
c) Test-point voltage test if applicable (see 7.17.2)
Connectors shall be properly assembled with actual or simulated components that duplicate the fit and voltage stress distribution of the actual components.
Bushing wells may be sample tested in accordance with ANSI/ASQ Zl.4—2003 (R2013) zero-based 1.0% AQL sampling plan.
7.2 Design tests
The design tests listed in Table shall be performed by the manufacturer to demonstrate compliance of the design with this standard. Design tests shall be performed using actual connector system components assembled according to the manufacturer’s instnictions and using those materials supplied in the manufacturer’s packaging.
7.8.1 Connectors considered as no-test during fault closure
For purposes of this section, a no-test is a connector that is excluded from the results without affecting the findings.
A connector pair may be declared a no-test as a result of permanent damage to the connector. The following are some examples of reasons to replace a test sample:
a) Cable failures, where it is verified by current and voltage traces and/or physical evidence that a ground fault was the result of the cable failure.
b) Equipment malfunctions, including breaker timing errors where it is verified by current and voltage traces andlor physical evidence that ground current was not flowing prior to the malfunction, including timing errors that do not meet the 10-cycle minimum requirement, and the fault current during one of the operations is 5% less than the specified level.
c) Operator error during the close operation causing a direct ground fault where it is verified by voltage and current traces that there was no current through the connector prior to the ground fault.
d) The elbow probe misses the throat of the bushing during the close operation causing a direct ground fault and failure of the connector. Voltage and current traces shall indicate that there was no-test current prior to the ground fault.
e) The operator, for some reason unrelated to the test sample, is unable to complete the close operation in one continuous motion resulting in a ground fault.
Connectors that fail after the 10-cycle test period because of breaker timing errors that allow the current to flow for more than 10 cycles are considered to have passed.
Where operator errors or equipment malfunctions do not involve the connectors and no current has flowed through the test sample as verified by the voltage and current traces, the fault close shall he repeated on the connector.
When a connector is declared a no-test, a connector that passed the previous switching test may be added to the end of the test lot. The test sequence of the connectors shall not be changed. For example, Samples I through 5 pass, the 6th is declared a no-test, and the 7th through the 9th pass. In this example, a connector that passed previous switching tests may be added at the end as Connector 31 without disturbing the sequence. In this example, the connector combination has achieved eight in a row for fault close thus far.

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