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IEEE 802.1Qav-2009 pdf download

IEEE 802.1Qav-2009 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 12: Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive Streams.
5. Conformance
5.4.1 VLAN-aware bridge component options
Insert new bullet item p.) u.s show,,, following existing bullet item 0.):
p) Support forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams (5.4. 1.5). Insert new as shown, following existillg Forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams—requirements
A VLAN-aware Bridge component implementation that conforms to the provisions of this standard for forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams shall:
a) Support a minimum of two traffic classes on all Ports, of which
I) A minimum of one traffic class supports the strict priority algorithm for transmission selection (, and
2) One traffic class is an SR class.
b) Support the operation of the credit-based shaper algorithm ( on all Ports as the transmission selection algorithm used for the SR class.
c) Support SRP domain boundary port priority regeneration override as defined in 6.9.4, and the default priority regeneration override value defined in Table 6-6, for SR class “B”.
d) Support the tables and procedures for mapping priorities to traffic classes as defined in 34.5.
A VLAN-aware Bridge component implementation that conforms to the provisions of this standard for forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams may:
e) Support the management entities defined in 12.21 by means of the SNMP MIB module defined in
17.7. 13.
f) Support two or more SR classes (a maximum of seven), and support the operation of the credit- based shaper algorithm ( on all Ports as the transmission selection algorithm used for those SR classes. The number of SR classes supported shall be stated in the PICS.
g) Support SRP domain boundary port priority regeneration override as defined in 6.9.4, and the default priority regeneration override value defined in Table 6-6, for SR class “A”. If more than two SR classes arc supported. the default priority regeneration override values used for the additional SR classes shall be stated in the PICS.
Insert the following new subclause after existing 5.17, renumbering as necessary:
5.18 End station requirements—forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams
An end station implementation that conforms to the provisions of this standard for forwarding and queuing for time-sensitive streams shall:
a) Support a minimum of two traffic classes on all Ports, of which
1) A minimum of one traffic class supports the strict priority algorithm for transmission selection (, and
2) One traffic class is an SR class.
b) Support the operation of the credit-based shaper algorithm ( as the transmission selection algorithm used for frames transmitted for each stream associated with the SR class.
c) Support the operation of the credit-based shaper algorithm ( on all Ports as the transmission selection algorithm used for the SR class.
6.6.4 Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) Domain status parameters
A Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) domain is a set of stations (end stations and/or Bridges), their Ports, and the attached individual LANs, that satisfy all of the following conditions for a given SR class:
a) Those stations that transmit streams all support the credit-based shaper algorithm, defined in 8.6.8, as the transmission selection method for the SR class.
b) The stations all support SRP, as defined in Clause 35, as the means of creating bandwidth reservations for the SR class.
c) Those stations that transmit streams all associate the same priority value with the SR class.
d) Each Port in the set is either an SRP domain core port or an SRP domain boundary port.
e) Each SRP domain core Port in the set is connected, via an individual LAN that is part of the active topology, to an SRP domain core Port of another station in the set.
In Bridges that support the Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP), and for each SR class supported by the Bridge, an SRPdomainBoundary Port parameter is associated with each Port of the Bridge.
Each SRPdomainBoundaryPort parameter has a Boolean value. The value of the SRPdomainBoundaryPort parameter for a given SR class is TRUE if the operation of SRP has determined that the Port is an SRP domain boundary port (3.4) fbr that SR class; otherwise, the Port is either an SRP domain core port (3.5) for that SR class or is not part of that SRP domain, and the SRPdornainBoundaryPort parameter value is FALSE.
6.9 Support of the EISS
6.9.4 Regenerating priority
Change 6.9.4, and insert new Table 6-6, renumbering subsequent tables, asJiillovs:
The priority of each received frames is regenerated using priority information contained in the frame and the Priority Regeneration Table for the reception Port. For each reception Port, the Priority Regeneration Table has eight entries, corresponding to the eight possible values of priority (0 through 7). Each entry specifies, for the given value of received priority, the corresponding regenerated value.

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