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IEEE 802.1Qci-2017 pdf download

IEEE 802.1Qci-2017 pdf download.Bridges and Bridged Networks一Amendment 28: Per-Stream Filtering and Policing.
5. Conformance
5.4 VLAN Bridge component requirements
5.4.1 VLAN Bridge component options
Insert new wbcdauie as shown, rern.smbensg as neersa,y: Per-stream filtering and policing (PSFP) requirements
A ‘LAN Bridge component implcmcnuL)on that conforms to the provisions of this standard for PSFP shall:
at Support PSI’P as specitied in $ (‘3.1 tad $6.6,)
b) Support the state ,nhines br stream gale control as spccified in $6. 10.
ci Support the managcmcm catities for PSFP as specified in 12.31.
5.13 MAC Bridge component requirements
5.13.1 MAC Bridge component options
Insert new .subc?anse cas skews,. renumbering u.s necessary: Per-stream filtering and policing (PSFP) requirements
A MAC Bridge component implcincsnation that cnnftwms to the prosisiolls of this standard for PSFP shall:
a) Support PSI’P as spccitied in $6.5. I and It 6.6.1
b) Support the state machines ksr stream gale control as specified in 86.10, ci Support the managcmernentaies foe PSFPas specified in 12.31.
Insert the following new subdauar at the end of (lause 5 renumbering as necessary:
5.27 End-station requirements—PSFP
An end.station implementation that conforms to the WL,s,SIOI1S of this standard for PSFP shall:
al Support PSI as specified in S6.5. I and
b) Support the state machines for stream gale control as specified in 8.6.10. Ci Support the management entities or PSFPas specified in 12.31.
d) A stream gate instance identifier. Identifies the stream gate In.sLsnce ( that is used by the stream filter. A stream gate can he in one of two states:
I) Open: Frames pats through the gate.
2) (losed: Frames do not pan through the gate.
ci Zero or more filter speraficazioru The actions specified in a filter specification can result in a frame passing or railing the specified filter. Frames that tail a filter are discarded. The filter specification can include other actions. such as setting the drop_eligible parameter to TRUE. The trillossing filter specifications are currently defined:
Ii Maxi.nunt .SDIJ ace. Frames that exceed this SDU size do not pass the stream filter: frames that do not exceed this SDU size can pass the stream filter if all other filter conditions are met.
NOTE I—The Maximum SPU size is defined prr stream and cat therefore hfler from the queueMasSDtt specified in of IEEE Std 802. lQbs. As qaeueMa.5SL)1I Is applied after the stream filters, it is possible that a franc that passes the Maximum SL)1 size strain filter a ill later be discarded because its SL)U size exceeds queue*lasSDtI
2? Flow meter instance identifier. l’he identifier of an in.stance of a floss metering lbnct ion as specified in 8.6.5. ‘The flow meter instance is an index into a flow inner instance table that specifies the operating parameters for each flow meter instance. Flow metering is always applied after any other filtcr specifications that could result in frame discard.
ft Frame counter.
I) A count of frames matching both the stream_handle and priority specifications.
2) A count of frames that passed the stream gate.
3 A count of frames that did not pass the ‘tream gate.
4) A cottnt of frames that passed the Maximum SDU site filter.
Si A count of frames that did not pass the Maximum SDU size filter.
6) A count of frames that were discarded as a result of the operation of the flow meter.
g) A StreamfilockedDiaeToOsrrsteFran,eEmthle parameter which takes the valtie TRUE or FALSE A salue of TRUE indicates that the Streanil3lockedflueToOsersi,eFrame function is enabled; a value of FALSE indicates that the StreamHtockedflueToOsersiyeFratne function is disabled. The default saline of StreamfllockedDueToflsersizeFranieF.tsable is FALSE.
h) A SrreantAlnckedlhwloOsrrsteFnww parameter, which takes the value TRUE or FALSE. If
Streamlllocked[)ueToOversi,eFraitieEnable is TRUE. a value of TRUE in
StreamlilockedDueTooversizeFrame indicates that all frames are to be dropped (i.e.. the stream
filler behaves as it would if the maximum SDU size were to 1w set to ft nctets) If
StreamBlockedDueToOversi,eFrasne is FAISE. it has no effect The detault value of
StreamBlockedbueTooversizeFrame is FALSE: if any frame is discarded because it exceeds the
Maximum SD{J size for the stream, then StreamfllockedDueToosersizeFrame is set TRUE.
The value of the .c:ream_Ira,rdle and priorirr parameters associated with a received frame determine which stream filter is selected by the frame, and therefore what combination of filtering and policing actions is applied to the frame. If the stream handle and priority parameters associated with a received frame match more than one stream filter, the stream filler that is selected is the one that appears earliest in the ordered list. If a receised frame’s stream_handle and priority does not match any of the stream filter. in the table, the frame is processed as would he the case if PSFP was not supported.
NOTE 2—The use of stream slentWier and riority. along with the wiW-ewduig rates preslointy stated. attoss configuration possibilities that go tieyond PSI? as implied by the subclause title: tor esample, perpnority filtering and policing, or perpriority peringnss port filtering and policing an he omfigured rising these ndes.
NOTE. 3—If it ii desired to diseard frames that do mit match any other stream fiher, rather than such frannes heing pmcessed withota filtering, this an he achieved by placing a stream filter at the end of the table, in which the stream_haadle and priority e tsith wild.carded tset to the null saluet. and where the strram gate instance identifier poimas at a stream gate that is permanently ckised.

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