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IEEE 802.3cu-2021 pdf download

IEEE 802.3cu-2021 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 11:Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 100 Gb/s and 400 Gb/sOperation over Single-Mode Fiber at100 Gb/s per Wavelength.
140.7.10 Stressed receiver sensitivity
change 140.7.10 (as changed by IEEE Std 802.3cn-2020 asJillows:
Stressed receiver sensitivity shall be within the limits given in Table 140—7 if measured using the method defined in I 1 .8.9, using the test pattern specified for SRS in Table 140—10, with the following exceptions:
The SECQ of the stressed receiver conformance test signal is measured according to 140.7.5, except that the test fiber is not used. The transition time of the stressed receiver conformance test signal is no greater than the value specified in Table 140—6.
With the Gaussian noise generator on and the sinusoidal jitter and sinusoidal interferer turned off the RINOMA of the SRS test source (where x is the value for optical return loss tolerance from Table 140—6) should be no greater than the value specified in Table 140—6.
An example stressed receiver conformance test setup is shown in Figure 139—7; however, alternative test setups that generate equivalent stress conditions may he used.
The signaling rate of the test pattern generator and the extinction ratio of the E/O converter are as given in Table 140—6 using test patterns specified in Table 140—10.
For I OOGBASE-FR 1 and I OOGBASE-LR 1 the values of over/under-shoot and transmitter power excursion of the stressed receiver conformance test signal are within the limits specified in Table 140—6.
The required values of the “Stressed receiver sensitivity (OMAOuter) (max)”, “Stressed eye closure for PAM4 (SECQI’, and for IOOGBASE-DR only, “SECQ— l0log10(C) (max)” are as given in Table 140—7.
140.8 Safety, installation, environment, and labeling
140.8.2 Laser safety
chaiige the first paragraph of 140.8.2 as folio s’s:
I OOGBASE-DR, I OOGBASE-FR 1. and I OOGBASE-LR 1 optical transceivers shall conform to Hazard
Level I laser requirements as defined in fEC 60825-1 and IEC 60825-2, under any condition of’ operation.
This includes single fault conditions whether coupled into a fiber or out of an open bore.
140.8.4 Environment
change the first paragraph of 140.8.4 as follows:
Normative specifications in this clause shall be met by a system integrating a I00GBASE-DR IOOGBASE-FR1, or 100GBASE-LR1 PMD over the life of the product while the product operates within the manufacturer’s range of environmental, power, and other specifications.
140.8.5 Electromagnetic emission
chaiige 140.8.5 as follows:
A system integrating a IOOGBASE-DR, IOOGBASE-FR1. or 100GBASE-LRI PMD shall comply with applicable local and national codes for the limitation of electromagnetic interference. Connection insertion loss
Change as follows:
For IOOGBASE-DR, the The maximum link distance is based on an allocation of 2.75 dB total connection and splice loss. For example, this allocation supports five connections with an average insertion loss per connection of 0.5 dB. Connections with different loss characteristics may be used provided the requirements of Table 140—11 are met.
For I OOGBASE-FR 1, the maximum link distance is based on an allocation of 3 dB total connection and splice loss. For example, this allocation supports six connections with an average insertion loss per connection of 0.5 dB. Connections with different loss characteristics may be used provided the requirements of Table 140—11 are met.
For I OOGBASE-LR 1, the maximum link distance is based on an allocation of 2 dB total connection and splice loss. For example, this allocation supports four connections with an average insertion loss per connection of 0.5 dB. Connections with different loss characteristics may be used provided the requirements of Table 140—11 are met. Maximum discrete reflectance
Change as follows:
For I OOGBASE-DR, the The maximum discrete reflectance shall he less or equal than —35 dB. The number of maximum discrete retlectances in the ranges, > —45 dB and —35 dB, and, > —55 dB and —45 dB, is limited to the numbers given in Table 140—12 in relation to the maximum channel insertion loss.
For IOOGBASE-FRI and IOOGBASE-LRI, the maximum value for each discrete reflectance shall he less than or equal to the value shown in Table 140—14 coesponding to the number of discrete reflectances above —55 dB within the channel. For numbers of discrete reflectances in between two numbers shown in the table, the lower of the two corresponding maximum discrete reflectance values applies.

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