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IEEE Std 1248-2020 pdf download

IEEE Std 1248-2020 pdf download.IEEE Guide for the Commissioning of Electrical Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants.
7. Application of this guide
7.1 General
This clause provides a method for preparing and executing the commissioning of electrical and other major systems in a hydroelectric plant.
Clause 8 identifies the equipment and systems in a hydroelectric facility in a matrix format. Each matrix lists all tests that arc typically performed on a particular piece of equipment or system to verify its readiness for operation. This information along with Clause 9, which provides a brief description of each test, are the keysjor planning commissioning activities. Using the matrices and test descriptions, an engineer should be able to identify and schedule the required tests for installing, checking, and verifying operational status of electrical equipment in the plant.
Typically, the LTE and contractors develop a schedule for the design, delivery, and installation of equipment that will ultimately be commissioned in the plant. When the design is completed and the equipment purchased, necessary information becomes available for developing test procedures used for the installation checkout and operational verification. An equipment test schedule should be developed in conjunction with the construction schedule for equipment and system installation. Once the equipment and systems are identified, the matrices in Clause 8 list suggested tests to be performed on various systems and equipment.
7.2 Using this guide to develop a test program
After the equipment and systems that are to be commissioned arc identified, the material in Clause Clauc 8 and Clause 9 is then applied to develop the test program. An example of a simple application is used to illustrate the process.
9.3.17 Initial operation operational— Systems Description of test
This test is usually thought of as the energization and first operation of powerhouse equipment. The process started with the simpler tests of system components and now has culminated in the actual operation of the equipment itself. Individual circuits are energized sequentially and component operation is verified along with proper adjustments and indications (see calibration). After this process is completed on the auxiliary circuits, the final and full operation of the equipment or system is initiated. Usually, the equipment is brought up to a level below full operating condition and observations arc made for proper operation. Then, in gradual steps, the equipment is brought up to full and complete operation. Again, verification is made for the proper control action, indication, and response to specific conditions. The final initial operation test is to observe the proper shutdown sequence of the equipment. Supporting documents
Since the variety of equipment and systems is so great, it is impossible to list all the references necessary for this test. The reader is referred to the O&M manuals furnished with the equipment that usually cover the necessary verifications and observations to be made for initial operation. Some complex systems that consist of a multitude of subsystems, such as a hydroelectric generator, require a startup individual. Equipment required
Additional equipment is not usually required ether than that required for calibration. The necessary indicators or readouts are furnished with the equipment or system. Duration/work required
The duration varies depending on the size and complexity of the equipment or system. It can varyfrom several hours for a battery charger to several days for a hydroelectric generator. The workeffort reflects the same variance for the same reasons. For the larger systems, it is probably notpractical to perform the initial test with a single individual. Starting a hydroelectric generator,forexample, requires several individuals for the entire test period.
9.3.18 Initial rotation—Turbine-generator unit Description of test
This test is intended to verify ensure that there are no mechanical obstructions preventing freerotation of the turbine or generator.

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