IEEE Std 1484.11.2-2020 pdf download
IEEE Std 1484.11.2-2020 pdf download.Technology—ECMAScript Application Programming Interface for Content to Runtime Services Communication.
The word mary is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equalsis perwirtecd to)
The word can is used for statcments of possibility and capability. whether material. physical, or causal (canequals is able to ).
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they mustbe understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document isexplained ).For dated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda ) applies.
ISO/IEC16262:1998,Information technology—ECMAScript language specification.”
W3C,Document Object Modecl (DOM) Levcl 3 Core Specification.Version 1.0. W3C Working Draft 26February 2003,3
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards DictionavryOnline should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.3
application programming interface(API): A set of standard software interrupts, calls, functions, and dataformats that can be used by an application program to access network services, dev ices, or operating systems.
application programming interface implementation(APl implementation): An implementation of thisstandard that supplies the services of the application programming interface, in contrast to an implementationof this standard that ses the application programming-
application programming interface instance (APl instance): An individual cxecution context and state ofan application programming interface implementation.
NOIE—The notion of “”cxecution context ” in this standard is same as in ECMAScript.*
communication session:An active connection between a content object and an application program interfaceinstance.
content object: A collection of digital content that is intended for presentation to a learner by a learmingtechnology system. A content object may include learning material and processing code. Example: A contentobject might be an HTML page with an embedded video clip and an ECMAScript.
Document Object Model(DOM): A platform- and languagc-ncutral interface that will allow programs andscripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure. and style of documents ( W3C, Document
Object Model, v1.0). The document can be further processcd, and the results of that processing can beincorporated back into the presented page.
F.CMAScript:An object-oriented programming languagc for performing computations and manipulatingcomputational objects within a host environment as defined by ISO/IEC 16262:1998*
implementation behavior: Observable actions or appearance of an implementation. See also:implementation-defined behavior; undefined behavior; unspecified behavior.
implementation-defined behavior: Unspecified behavior for which each implementation documents howthe choice among the available alternatives is made.Example: Permitting a maximum size, as measured inoctets, of a coding. See also: implementation bchavior; undefined behavior; unspecified behavior.
launch: To cause a content object to be delivered to a learner.
learner: An individual cngaged in acquiring knowledge or skills with a learning technology system.learning content: Digital content intended for use in a learming experience.
learning management system (L.MS): A computer system that may include the capabilities to registerlearners, schedule learning resources,control and guide the learning process,analyze and report learnerperformance, and schedule and track learners.
NOTE—Some implementations of L.MSs also have the ability to launch and deliver content.For this standard. thesecapabilities are known as a runtime service.
runtime service(RTS): Software that controls the cxecution and delivery of learning content and that mayprovide services such as resource allocation, scheduling. input-output control,and data managcment.
undefined behavior: Implementation behavior for which a standard imposes no requirements.Ulndefinedbehavior describes nonconforming implementations of this standard.Possible undefined behaviors includc,but are not limited to: ignoring the situation completely.unpredictable results, behaving in a documentedmanner characteristic of the environment, and terminating processing.See also: implementation behavior;implementation-defined behavior; unspecified behavior.
unspecified behavior: Implementation behavior for which a standard provides two or more alternatives andimposcs no further requirements on what is choscn in any instance.See also: implementation behavior.implementation-defined behavior; undefined behavior.