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IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2020 pdf download

IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2020 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata.
f) The Rights category groups the intellectual property rights and conditions of use for the learning object.
g) The Relation category groups features that define the relationship between the learning object and other related learning objects.
h) The Annotation category provides comments on the educational use of the learning object and provides information on when and by whom the comments were created.
i) The Classification category describes this learning object in relation to a particular Lb%sification system.
Collectively, these categories form the lOMv1 .0 Base Schema, The classification category b may be used to provide certain types of extensions to the LOMvl.O Base Schema, as any classification system can be referenced.
4.2 Data elements
Categories group data elements. The LOM data model is a hierarchy of data elements, including aggregate data elements and simple data elements (leaf nodes of the hierarchy). In the LQMvI,O Base Schema, only leaf nodes have individual values defined through their associated value space and datatype. Aggregates in the LOMvI.0 Base Schema do not have individual values. Consequently, they have no value space or datatype. For each data element, the LOMvI.() Base Schema defines the following:
— Name: the name by which the data element is referenced
— Explanation: the definition of the data element
— Size: the number of values allowed
— Order: whether the order of the values is significant (only applicable for data elements with list values see 4.3)t
— Example an illustrative example
For simple data elements, the LOMvI.0 Base Schema also defines the following:
— Valuc space: the set of allowed values for the data element—typically in the form of a vocabulary or a reference to another standard. (eec 38N
— Dahityp indicates whether the values are LangString (see-Clause 7), DateTime (se-C1ause 8), Duration (see Clause 9), Vocabulary (see Clause 10), CharacterString, or Undefined.
lioth the size and datatype information allow inclusion of may include smallest permitted maximum values.
Extensions to the LOMv1.0 Base Schema shall retain the value space and datatype of data elements from the tOMvl .0 Base Schema. Extensions shall not define datatypes or value spaces for aggregate data elements in the LOMvI.0 Base Schema.
The numbering schema of the data elements represents an aggregation hierarchy of data elements and their components. As an example, the aggregate data element 7:2:Relation.Resource has two components: 7.2.1 :Relation.Resource.Identifier and 7.2.2:Relation.Resource.Description. The former data element is in turn an aggregate, as it contains the following components and 7.2.1 .2:Relation. Resource.ldentifier.Entry. (See 4.3 for the interpretation of aggregate data elements that have list values.)
All data elements are optional this means that a conforming I.OM instance includes may induk values for any number of data elements ckment defined in Clause 6. As the LOMvI.0 Base Schema in Clause 6 imposes an aggregation relationship, components cans by definition only be present in a LOM instance as a component of the aggregate element to which they belong. As an example, 7.2.1:Relation.Resource.!dcntifier appears by definition as a component of 7.2:Rclation.Resource. In that sense, the presence of the component implies automatically the presence of the aggregate element to which the component belongs.
lf an aggregate data element contains a list of values, then each of these values shall be a tuple ofcomponent elements. For example,the LOMv1.0 Base Schema specifies that the data element1.1:General.ldentifier contains an unordered list of values. This means that the value of the dataelement 1.1:General.Ildentifier is an unordered list of (1.1.1: General. Identifier. Catalog,- and1.1.2:General.Identifier.Entry) tuples. In this case,for each individual 1.1:General.Ildentifier value,1.1.1:General.ldentifier.Catalog determines the catalog from which the corresponding1.1.2:General.Identifier.Entry originates.

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