IEEE Std 1526-2020 pdf download
IEEE Std 1526-2020 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing the Performance of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems.
4. System inspection
4.1 System documentation review
Comprehensive system inforntation is needed so that system testing can then ascertain it manufacturer and system integrator claims are verified. Comprehensive system information is needed so the system can be installed and used appropriately as per manufacturer and system integrator specifications and recommendations. Lack of comprchcnsivc system information may lead to potential undue problems with the system that could be avoided with such comprehensive information.
The following relevant documents should be received with a PV system:
— Data sheets or vendor drawings with electrical ratings of equlprnenL Design drawings and calculations.
An overview ofall major system components and principles ofoperation.
— A complete parts list, including all electrical components, mechanical hardware, and other equipment necessary for installing and operating the system. The list should include a complete description for each piece ofequipmcnt.
A diagram indicating the proposed layout of the entire system.
— Electrical schematics and diagrams showing all major components and devices, including conductor types and si7Cs. connections of individual modules and array source circuits, terminations at junction boxes, and connections to surge suppression devices.
Mechanical drawings showing details of system and array mechanical support.
Warranty information on individual components.
Specifications and manuals for each component.
— Complete assembly and installation instructions for assembling and wiring the PV system.
Procedures for commissioning. operating, disconnecting, servicing, upgrading. and maintaining the complete PV system and individual components.
Safety documentation for the system and its components.
Practices for descommissioning and disposal of components and systems.
Although it is recommended to obtain general design documents and technical specifications prior to system purchase and installation, these documents should also be part of the documentation package given to the system owncr and/or operator upon system commissioning. It is imperative that system designers, installers, end users, and other relevant parties understand the system operation, maintenance, and disposal issues or have access to the information.
Lack of comprehensive system information may lead to inappropriate use and poor system performance. Often system operators may not understand system issues that can be easily remedied. Some of these issues may include army losses due to soiling or shading, battery limitations due to improper system use, charge.current losses due to loose or disconnected terminals or other types of wiring junction points. etc. These potential problems may be avoided if the end users have access to the complete documentation package and if they are properly trained in the operation of the PV system.
4.2 Initial system hardware inspection
Visually inspect system parts and components and verify that they arrived undamaged. Record any damage. especially that which could affect system pcrformancc or sakty. Replace (as per system manufacturer specifications) any damaged items that could affcct thc system performance or safety. Verify that all parts listed in the parts list are present. Record all missine. damaged. or replaced parts in the system summary. Tests should not proceed if it is determined during this inspection or at any other time that the system may be dangerous to install or operate.
5. Data acquisition system (DAS) and PV system Installation
5.1 DAS specifications and installation
5.1.1 General
The performance tests require the use of a data logger with input ranges that will accommodate the expected output ranges of each measurement sensor. Appropnate voltage dividers or shunts may be used. The data logger input impedance should be greater than I MU and compatiblc with each sensor or signal conditioning unit. The operating temperature ranges for all DAS equipment should be compatible with the environment where they will be uscd. Document the DAS data sampling interval and data recording period in the system summary. The DAS must be reliable: If any critical data is lost due to a DAS failure during any test, that lest must be restarted. Any DAS tailures shall be noted. Table I and 5.1.2 through 5.1,1 I.) summarize the system parameters to be measured. For systems in which the load is not automatically controlled, relays controlled by the DAS are necessary to turn the load on and ott’ unless the tester performs such functions manually.