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IEEE Std 1900.5.1-2020 pdf download

IEEE Std 1900.5.1-2020 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Policy Language for Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems.
An OWL 2 ontology is a formal description of a domain of interest. OWL 2 ontologics consist of thefollowing three different syntactic catcgorics:
a) Entities,such as classes,properties, and individuals, are identified by lRIls. They form the primitive
terms of an ontology and constitutc the basic clements of an ontology. For example,a classNuvio:UnitOfMeasure can be used to rcprcscnt the set of all unit typcs that arc used in relevantmeasurements. Similarly, the object property Nuvio:hasUnitOfMeasure can be used to represent thevaluc-unit relationship. Finally,the individual Nuvio:Watt can be used to represent a particularindividual unit called a “-Wwatt.”
Expressions represcnt complex notions in the domain being described. For example, a classcxpression describes a sct of individuals in tcrms of thc restrictions on the individualscharacteristics,for example,scmClsTypeAntennaHcight is defined as being the intersection ofclasscs cquivalcnt to (hasScmObjELEMheight exactlyl scmClsELEMhcight) and(hasScmObjELEMreference cxactly 1 semClsELEMrefercnce).
Axioms arc statcments that arc asscrted to be truc in the domain bcing describcd.For example.using a subclass axiom,one can state that the class Nuvio:PowerUnit is a subclass of the classNuvio:UnitOfMeasurc.
Thesc three syntactic categorics are used to cxpress the logical part of OWL 2 ontologies—that is, they areinterpreted under a precisely defined semantics that allows useful inferences to be drawn.For example, ifan individual scm.antennaHeight-dlell07 is assigned certain object properties like reference and height,then from the OWL 2 scmantics,onc can derive that scm:antennalleight-dlell07 is an instance ofscn:scmCls Type.4ntenaHieight.
4.1.1 OWL 2 syntax—General definitions and owL 2 constructs
Several syntax notational styles are being supported to define an OWL 2 ontology.
An OWL 2 implcmentation conforming to this standard shall implement the RDF/XML syntax as specificdin this subclausc. This syntax uses RDF subject-predicatc-object (spo) triplcs to describe ontologicalentities. Thesc RDF spo-triples are transformed into XML clements as defined in a further W3C standard toobtain a serialized text document.Ontology descriptions rendered via RDF/XML. tend to be rather lengthyand the following terser syntactical styles are available:
—Manchester syntax is used by the Protegé oWL editor originating from Stanford University.—Functional syntax is used for documcntation in w3C standards.
OwL 2 can also bc scrialized directly into XML without using RDF spo-triples.
Turtle style syntax is favored by a number of authors and is uscd in tools and query languages likcSPARQL and sHACL. OWL 2 RL syntax presentation and syntactical constraints
As mentioned, the OWL 2RL is a profile of OWL 2.An OWL 2 profile (commonly called a fragment or asublanguage in computational logic) compriscs a subset version of OWL 2 depending on its intended use;for example, it may trade some expressive power for the efficiency of reasoning as in oWL 2RL.
As such, the OWL 2 RL profile imposes restrictions on full OWL 2 in the way in which constructs areused, thereby facilitating the implementation of reasoning systems using rule-based reasoning cengincs.whilc providing desirabic computational guarantees. Thesec restrictions arc designed to avoid the need toinfer the cxistcnce of individuals not cxplicitly prescnt in the knowledge basc(for compatibility withrulc-based systems) and therefore avoid the otherwise uprising possibility of nondeterministic reasoning.This is achicved by restricting the usc of constructs, including variablces, to certain syntactic positions.
Bcing a fragment of OWL 2, cach OWL 2RL ontology must naturally as well satisfy all global restrictionson axioms defined in the appropriate section of the OWL 2 structural specification.
However,minimum cardinality clauses like the requirement that a class contain only range data from acertain object property, if at least a certain minimum of individuals are mapped by that property,are notincluded in oWL2RL as there is no proper mcchanism to implement such a minimum cardinality clauscevia a rulce languagc.As these cardinality clauses arc gencrated, for examplc, through XSLT stylcs shects,the DSA policy language needs to include these. owL 2 RL entities
Entities are the fundamental building blocks of OWL 2 ontologies, and thcy define the vocabulary. that is.the named tcrms. of an ontology. Classes
Classes can be undcrstood as sets of individuals. Datatypes
Datatypes are cntities that refer to scts of data valucs. Thus,datatypes are analogous to classes,the maindifference being that the former contain data values such as strings and numbers,rather than individuals.Datatypes are a kind of data rangc. which allows them to be used in restrictions. Object properties
Object properties connect pairs of individuals. Data properties.

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