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IEEE Std 2420-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 2420-2019 pdf download.IEEE Standard Criteria for Combustion Turbine-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
4. Principal design criteria
4.1 Capability
4.1.1 General
When in service, each combustion turbine-generator unit shall have the capability of performing as a redundant
unit of a standby power supply, in accordance with the requirements stated in IEEE Std 3O8.
4.1.2 Mechanical and electrical capabilities
The combustion turbine-generator unit shall also have each of the following specific capabilities to meet the design, application, and qualification requirements of this standard:
a) Design conditions: The unit shall be capable of operating during and after any design basis event without support from the preferred power supply. The following design conditions, including appropriate margins as required by 6.5.1 of IECIIEEE 60780-323, shall be specified by those individuals responsible for the system application and, at a minimum, shall include:
1) Operational cycles (4000 starts’ over a period of 40 years, unless otherwise specified)
2) Operating hours (6000 h over a period of 40 years. unless otherwise specified)
3) Temperature at equipment locations (minimum and maximum with durations and average annual ambient)
4) Seismic response spectra
5) Radiation (specified integrated dose over a period of 40 years, plus accident if located in harsh environment).
6) Humidity (minimum and maximum with durations)
7) Load profile, including allowable voltage and frequency variations [see Clause 3 (Definitions) and Annex Aj
8) Absolute barometric pressure (altitude and tornado depressurization, duration, and magnitude)
9) Combustion air contaminants (salt, sand, etc.)
10) Fuel type and quality
11) Auxiliary electrical power supply requirements
12) Effect of fire protection actuation
13) Service water quality (if any)
b) Starting and loading: The unit shall be capable of starting, accelerating, and being loaded with the design load within the time required by the equipment specification
1) From the normal standby condition.
2) With cooling not available, for a time equivalent to that required to bring the cooling equipment into service with energy from the combustion turbine-generator unit if applicable, or with energy supplied by a UPS system to auxiliary equipment, e.g., dc motors or ac motors with VFD, if energy is needed for starting.
3) With hot restarts and immediate loading capability.
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
d) Design load: The unit shall be capable of carrying the design load for the time required by the equipment specification.
e) Quality of power: The unit shall be capable of maintaining voltage and frequency at the generator terminals within limits that will not degrade the performance of any of the loads comprising the design load below their minimum requirements. including the duration of transients caused by load application or load removal.
4.2 Ratings
4.2.1 Application
The combustion turbine-generator unit shall have a rating that reflects the output capabilities ofthe combustion
turbine-generator unit in accordance with the requirements of 4. 1 and the following requirements:
a) Inspections and scheduled maintenance shall be performed periodically using the manufacturer’s recommendations and procedures.
b) Unscheduled maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the need as indicated by the periodic inspections and operating experience.
4.3 Interactions
Independence between units shall not be compromised. Mechanical and electric system interactions between a particular combustion turbine-generator unit and other units of the standby power supply, the nuclear plant, the conventional plant, and the Class I E electric system shall be coordinated in such a way that the combustion turbine-generator unit’s design function, and capability requirements of 4.1, may be realized for any design basis event, except failure of that combustion turbine-generator unit.
4.4 Design and application considerations
Design and application considerations shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the considerations listed in Table I.

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