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IEEE Std 484-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 484-2019 pdf download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Batteriesfor Stationary Applications.
For batteries at or above 100 V nominal. the risk for arc-flash hazards needs to be assessed. Annex B can be used to assist with this assessment. A typical dc system has several potential hazards. To help mitigate the personnel risks. everyday work clothing suggested by NFPA 70E [B10] simplified two-category method is recommended:
. Arc-rated longsleeve shirt (minimum arc rating of 35 k/m2 (8 cal/cm2)
二Arc-rated pants (minimum are rating of 35 k/m2 (8 cal/cm2); follow local codes.
regulations, and manufacturer’s instructions
Provide appropriate labeling (reference NFPA 70 [B91 and NFPA 70E [B10] for aditional
4.3 Chemical hazards
The electrolyte in a vented battery is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid and water. Spill containment may be required (reference IEEE Std 1578TM [B4] for additional information), but follow local codes.
regulations, and manufacturer’s instructions regarding the quantity of neutralizing agent that
should be kept on hand (typically enough to neutralize the amount of electolyte in a single cell or multi-cell container), Contact the manufacturer for the recommend neutralizing agent(s).
Contact with eyes or mucus membranes shall be avoided when handling battery cells or units.
Contact of electrolyte with skin should be avoided. Handling electrolyte may be required when
dealing with an acid leak, adjusting specific gravity or measuring specific gravity readings with a bulb hydrometer. Electronic density meters typically only expose a worker to且very small quantity of electrolyte, which is not considered a significant hazard. Therefore, measuring specific gravity with a density meter is not considered handling electrolyte.
If electrolyte is being handled, the appropriate PPE as listed in 4.6 shall be utilized.
Safety glasses are always required when in the vicinity of a battery. Permanent or portable (egu
bottles with pH buffered saline solution) eyewash devices should be readily accessible when
personnel are in the vicinity of the battery.
Refer to the SDS. Follow local codes, regulations, and manufacturer’s instructions.
k) Neutralize static buildup by having personnel contact the nearest effectively grounded surface just before working on the battery.
l) Reference NF1A 70 [B91 and NFPA 70E IB1O1 for gnidance on arc-flash calculations and termination requirements.
5. Installation design criteria
5.1 General
Considerations that should be included in the design of the battery installation depend upon the requirements or function of the system of which the battery is part. The general installation design criteria for all vented lead-acid batteries are provided in the following clauses subclause.
5.2 Location
The following criteria should be observed regarding location:
a) Space and floor supports allocated for the battery and associated equipment should allow for present and future needs. Calculations should be performed to help ensure that floor loading capabilities are not exceeded.
b) Sufficient access and working space around the batteries shall be provided and maintained. Refer to the appropriate local code requirements.
c) The location should be as free from vibration as practical.
d) The general battery area should be clean, dry, and well ventilated (see 5.5 4), and provide adequate space and illumination for inspection, maintenance, testing, and cell/unitbattcry replacement. Space should also be provided to allow for operation of lifting equipment, addition of water, and taking measurements (e.g., voltage, temperature, specific gravity).

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