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IEEE Std 802.1Qcy-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 802.1Qcy-2019 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks一Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 32:Virtual Station Interface (vSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP) Extension to Support Network Virtualization Overlaysover Layer 3 (NVo3).
This suhclause specifies requirements and options for the following core components:
a) VLAN Bridge component (5.4)
b) MAC Bridge component (5.13)
the following components that use that core functionality:
c) Customer VLAN (C-VLAN) component (5.5)
d) Service VLAN (S-VLAN) component (5.6)
e) I-component (5.7)
f) B-component (5.8)
g) TPMR component (5.15)
h) T-componcnt (5.1 7)
i) Edge relay (ER) (5.24. 1)
and (hr the thllowing systems that include instances of’ the above components:
j) C-VLAN Bridge (5.9)
k) S-VLAN Bridge (5.10.1)
l) Provider Edge Bridge (5.10,2)
m) Backbone Edge Bridge (BEB) (5,12)
n) MAC Bridge (5.14)
o) TPMR (5.16)
p) Edge Virtual Bridging (EVB) Bridge (5.23)
q) EVB station (5.24)
r) TSN CNC station (5.29)
j VDP-NVO3 (5.31)
NOTE—Both S-VLAN Bridges and Provider edge bridges are examples 01 irovider bridges.
1,ixt’rt the’ fiillowiiig s’uhclau.se’ (5.31 and lix xi,hcla,ixt’.s,I afh’r 5.29 (suhcluu,s’’ 5.30 ix r’xc’ri’’d far a fulurt’ unu’ndnu,ii.):
5.31 VDP-NVO3 requirements
In the Split-NVE scenario, the nNVE implements the bridge role Vl)P and tNVE implements the station role VDP. While the nNVF. and INVE share the V[)P functionality of an EVB Bridge and an EVB Station, their conlhrrnance requirements are ditierent. This clause lists the conthrmancc requirements (hr nNVE and tNVE to operate VIW in the Split—NVE scenario.
5.31.1 VDP-NVO3 nNVE requirements
A conformant VDP-NVO3 nNVE implementation shall
a) Support the Bridge role of V1)P on each SlIP (Clause 41).
b) Support assignment of VIDs to GroupiDs (41.2.9).
A conformant VDP-NVO3 nNVE implementation may
the ftinctionality of a C—VLAN component (5.5). at least one SBP on the C-VLAN component (Clause 40), an LLDP nearest Customer Bridge database (Clause 40).
the EVB status parameters for EVBModc – NVO3 Mode (40.4.4) and NVERoIc nNVE
the EVB Bridge status parameters about !Pv4 and IPvô address capability (D.2.12.3). the EVIl TLV on each SlIP (D.2. 12).
FCP on each SBP (Clause 43).
the use of the NI, S and N hits in VDP (41 .2.3).
the use of IP addresses in VDP filler info format (41 .2.9).
5.31.2 VDP-NVO3 tNVE requirements
A conformant VDP-NVO3 1NVE implementation shall
a) Support the station role of VDP for each URP (Clause 41).
f) Support the EVB station status parameters about IPv4 and lPv6 address capability (D.2.12.4).
g) Support the EVB TLV on each URP (D.2. 12).
h) Support ECP on each URP (Clause 43).
i) Support the use of the M, S and N bits in VDP (41.2.3).
j) Support the use of IP addresses in VDP filter info format (41.2.9).
40.4.4 EVB Mode = NVO3
If the value of the EVBMode parameter is NVO3, then further parameters are available in 40.5.
40.5 EVB Status Parameter for NVO3 Mode Support
In NVO3 Split-NVE scenario, INVE is located in a station which may not he an EVB Station and nNVE is located in a bridge or router which may not he an EVB Bridge. Hence tNVE and nNVE will be used to refer to EVil Station and EVil Bridge revised to support NVO3.
The parameters of the EVB TLV provide the required parameter list. EVB TLV (Annex D) and status parameters are amended to Support NVO3.
When FVBMode is set to NVO3 Mode, an NVERo1e parameter is to he further inspected. The parameter represent the NVE role of the port.
40.5.1 NVERoIe = nNVE
If the value ol the NVERoIe parameter is nNVE, then further parameters arc available, as Ibliows:
a) reflectivekelay. This parameter is FALSE in NVO3 as INVF. has no requirement to support reflective relay.
b) operReflectiveRelay Control. If’this parameter is TRUE, then reflective relay is enabled; if FALSE, reflective relay is disabled. In NVO3 scenario, it is always FALSE since tNVE will not request reflective relay to be enabled.

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