Home>ISO Standards>ISO 10303-504:2000 pdf download

ISO 10303-504:2000 pdf download

ISO 10303-504:2000 pdf download.lndustrial automation systems and
integration- Product data representationand exchange – Part 504: Application interpreted construct:Draughting annotation.
WR5: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_symbol_occurrence whose item is an annotation_symbol, the symbol_representation shall be a draughting_symbol_representation or draughting_subligure_representation.
WR6: Each draughting_annotation_occurrence that is an annotation_text_occurrence shall have exactly one style that is a text_style.
WR7: If the draughting_annotation_occu rrence is an annotation_text_occurrence, the item shall be either composite_text or a text_literal.
4rR8: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence, each composite_text shall only collect text_literal.
WR9: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence whose item is a text_literal, the text_literal shall have the value of ‘baseline left’, ‘baseline centre’, or ‘baseline right’ for the alignment.
WRIO: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence whose item is a composite_text, each text_literal included in the composite_text shall have the value of ‘baseline left’, ‘baseline centre’, or ‘baseline right’ for the alignment.
WRI 1: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence, each text_literal shall have the same alignment.
WRI 2: If the draughting_an notation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence, each text_literal shall have the same font.
WR13: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence, each composite_text shall not contain text_literal_with_blanking_box nor text_literal_with_associated_curves.
WRI4: If the draughting_annotation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence whose item is a text_literal_with_associated_curves, each curve associated with the text shall be the item for an annotation_curve_occurrence.
WR 15: If the draughting_an notation_occurrence is an annotation_text_occurrence whose item is a composite_text_with_associated_curves, each curve associated with the text shall be the item for an annotation_curve_occurrence.
WR16: If the style of the draughting_annotation_occurrence is a curve_style, this style shall specify the units of measure associated with its curve_width.
WR17: If the style of the draughting_annotation_occurrence is a fill_area_style, this style shall contain, in the set of fill_styles, no more than one fill_area_style_tiles and that fill_area_style_tiles shall contain exactly one tile.
B.1 Document identification
To provide for unambiguous identification of an information object in an open system, the object identifier
{iso standard 10303 part(504) version(1)}
is assigned to this part of ISO 10303. The meaning of this value is defined in ISO/IEC 8824-1 and isdescribed in ISO 10303-1.
B.2Schema identification
To provide for unambiguous identification of the aic_draughting_annotation in an open system, the objectidentifier
{iso standard 10303 part(504) version(1 ) object(1 ) aic-draughting-annotation (1)}
is assigned to the aic_draughting_annotation schema (see clause 4).The meaning of this value is definedin ISO/IEC 8824-1 and is described in ISO 10303-1.
Figure C. I through Figure C. 13 correspond to the EXPRESS generated from the short listing given in clause 4 using the interface specifications of ISO 10303-11. The diagrams use the EXPRESS-G graphical notation for the EXPRESS language. EXPRESS-G is defined in annex D of ISO 10303-11.
NOTE – The following select types: curve_on_surface, founded_item_select, geometric_set_select, measure- value, reversible_topology, reversible_topology_item, transformation, trimming_select, vector_or_direction are interfaced into the AIC expanded listing according to the implicit interface rules of ISO 10303-1 1. These select types are not referenced by other entities of this part of ISO 10303.
This annex references a listing of the EXPRESS entity names and corresponding short names as specified in this part of ISO 10303. It also provides a listing of each EXPRESS schema specified in this part of ISO 10303 without comments or other explanatory text. These listings are available in computer-interpretable form and can be found at the following URLs:
Short names: http://www.mel.nist.gov/div826/subject/apde/snr/
EXPRESS: http ://www. mel. fist. gov/step/parts/part5 04/I SI
If there is difficulty accessing these sites contact ISO Central Secretariat or contact the ISO TC 184/SC4 Secretariat directly at: sc4seccme.nist.gov.
NOTE – The information provided in computer-interpretable form at the above URLs is informative. The information that is contained in the body of this part of ISO 10303 is normative.

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