ISO 11602-1:2000 pdf download
ISO 11602-1:2000 pdf download.Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fireextinguishers – Part 1: Selection and installation.
5.12 Units of measurement in this part of ISO 11602 are, in general, in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Some units (e.g. cm, bar and litre), outside of but recognized by SI, may appear as they are commonly used in international fire protection. See ISO 1000.
6 Selection of extinguishers
6.1 General
The selection of extinguishers for a given situation shall be determined by the character and extent of the fires anticipated, the construction and occupancy of the individual property, the hazard to be protected against, the ambient temperature conditions, and other factors. The number, rating, placement and limitations of use of the required extinguishers shall meet the requirements of clause 7.
6.2 Halon fire extinguishers
The use of halon fire extinguishers shall be limited to applications where a clean medium is necessary to extinguish fire efficiently without damaging the equipment or area being protected, or where the use of alternative media could cause a hazard to personnel in the area.
6.3 Selection by hazard
6.3.1 Extinguishers shall be selected for the specific class(es) of hazards to be protected against.
6.3.2 Extinguishers for protection against Class A hazards shall be selected from extinguishers with the appropriate Class A rating.
EXCEPTION: For halon-type extinguishers, see 6.2.
6.3.3 Extinguishers for protection against Class B hazards shall be selected from extinguishers with the appropriate Class B rating.
EXCEPTION: For halon-type extinguishers, see 6.2.
6.3.4 Extinguishers for protection against Class C hazards shall be of the powder type.
6.3.5 Extinguishers and extinguishing media for protection against Class D hazards shall be of types suitable for use on the specific combustible-metal hazards.
6.3.6 Extinguishers for protection against hazards which involve energized electrical equipment shall be of the carbon dioxide, powder, halon, or water-based types which have been tested and found suitable for this application.
EXCEPTION: For halon-type extinguishers, see 6.2.
Carbon dioxide extinguishers equipped with metal horns are not considered safe for use on fires involving energized electrical equipment.
While powder extinguishers may be effective in extinguishing fires in delicate electronic equipment, the residue from their media may seriously damage the equipment they are intended to protect.
6.4 Selection for pressurized flammable liquid and gas fires
6.4.1 Extinguishers containing media other than powder are relatively ineffective on pressurized flammable liquids and pressurized gas fires. The selection of extinguishers for this type of hazard shall be made on the basis of recommendations by the manufacturers of this specialized equipment. The system used to rate the effectiveness of extinguishers on Class B fires (flammable liquids in depth) is not applicable to these types of hazard. It has been determined that special nozzle design and rates of media application are required to cope with such hazards.
WARNING It is undesirable to attempt to extinguish this type of fire unless there is reasonable assurance that the source of fuel can be promptly shut off.
6.4.2 Extinguishers for three-dimensional Class B hazards involving Class B materials in motion, such as pouring, running or dripping flammable liquids, shall be selected on the basis of recommendations by the manufacturers of the extinguishers. The system used to rate extinguishers on Class B fires (flammable liquids in depth) is not directly applicable to this type of hazard.
NOTE The installation of fixed systems for such hazards should be considered when applicable.
6.4.3 Extinguishers for use on water-soluble flammable liquid fires, such as alcohols, esters, ketones, etc., shall not be of the AFFF or FFFP type unless the extinguishing medium has been specifically tested and found to be suitable for such applications.
6.4.4 Wheeled extinguishers shall be considered for hazard protection in high hazard areas or where
— high media flow rates,
— increased media stream range, or increased media capacity
are required.
7 Distribution of extinguishers
7.1 General requirements
7.1.1 The minimum number of extinguishers needed to protect a hazard shall be determined as outlined in this clause.
Additional extinguishers may be installed to provide more suitable protection for special hazards. Consideration shall be given to the protection of high storage items and other hazards requiring extinguishers with a suitable vertical range. Extinguishers having ratings less than specified in Tables 1 and 2 may be installed, provided they are not used to fulfil the minimum protective requirements of this clause.
7.1.2 Extinguishers shall be provided for the protection of both the building structure, if combustible, and the hazards contained therein.
7.1.3 Required building protection shall be provided by extinguishers suitable for Class A fires.
7.1.4 Protection of building contents shall be provided by extinguishers suitable for such Class A, B, C or D fire hazards as may be present.
7.1.5 Extinguishers provided for building protection may be considered also for the protection of occupancies having a Class A fire potential.