ISO 13631:2002 pdf download
ISO 13631:2002 pdf download.Petroleum and natural gas industries —Packaged reciprocating gas compressors.
Control of the sound pressure level of all equipment furnished shall be the joint effort of the purchaser and the vendor. If specified, the equipment furnished by the vendor shall not exceed the maximum sound pressure level required by the purchaser.
5.5 Electrical area classification
Motors, electrical components and electrical installations shall be suitable for the area classification (zone) specified by the purchaser, shall meet the requirements of IEC 60079 and other standards specified by the purchaser and shall comply with all applicable local codes and regulations.
5.6 Package installation
The purchaser shall specify the site conditions (altitude, ambient temperature, etc.), and whether the installation is indoors (heated or unheated) or outdoors (with or without a roof) and the weather or environmental conditions in which the equipment must operate (including maximum and minimum temperatures, unusual humidity or dust problems). The unit and its auxiliaries shall be suitable for operation in these specified conditions. The purchaser shall specify dimensional limitations, if any.
5.7 Torsional analysis
The vendor shall provide a torsionally sound system and perform an analysis to demonstrate this. When specified, a torsional analysis report shall be provided, and the vendor shall be responsible to coordinate with the compressor and prime-mover manufacturers to produce such a report.
6 Compressor
6.1 General
6.1.1 Manufacturer’s rated capacity
The compressor shall be sized to handle not less than the required capacity with the gas composition, suction pressures, suction temperatures, discharge pressures and site conditions specified by the purchaser. The number of stages of compression shall accommodate pressure limitations and gas additions or withdrawals as specified. The package design shall also allow for all pressure drops through the separators, pulsation suppression devices (if any), coolers and piping from the inlet flange to the outlet flange of the package.
6.1.2 Performance calculations
The vendor shall use the specified values of mass flowrate, the specified gas composition and the gas conditions to calculate average molar mass, ratio of specific heats (c,Jc), compressibility factors (z) and inlet volume flowrate. The compressor vendor shall indicate his values on the data sheets with the proposal and use them to calculate performance data.
6.1.3 Compressor size
If specified, the compressor shall be furnished with cylinders which, when operating at the specified operating condition(s), shall as far as practical, load the gas engine to the limit specified in 8.2.1 or electric motor to the limit specified in 8.3.2.
Compressors driven by induction motors shall be sized at the motor operating speed.
6.1.4 Forces and couples
The vendor shall furnish values for the unbalanced primary and secondary forces and couples in the horizontal and
vertical planes for the package.
6.2 Allowable speeds
The maximum acceptable average piston speed (in metres per second) and the maximum acceptable speed (in revolutions per minute) may be specified by the purchaser where experience indicates that specified limits should not be exceeded for a given service.
6.3 Allowable discharge temperature
Unless otherwise specified and agreed, the maximum predicted discharge temperature shall not exceed 135 °C. This limit applies to all specified operating and load conditions. If specified, the vendor shall provide the purchaser with both the predicted and adiabatic discharge temperatures.
NOTE The actual discharge temperature will vary from the adiabatic depending on such factors as the power input to a cylinder, the ratio of compression, the size of the cylinder, the surface area of the cooling passages and the velocity of the coolant.
6.4 Rod loads
6.4.1 Allowable rod loads The combined rod load shall not exceed the manufacturer’s maximum allowable continuous combined rod load for the compressor running gear at any specified operating conditions and any load step. These combined rod loads shall be calculated on the basis of the set point pressure of the discharge relief valve of each stage and the lowest specified suction pressure corresponding to each load step. The gas loads shall not exceed the manufacturer’s maximum allowable continuous gas loading for the compressor static crankcase components (cylinders, heads, distance pieces, crosshead guides, crankcase and bolting) at any specified operating load step. The gas loads shall be calculated on the basis of the set point pressure of the discharge relief valve, plus accumulation, of each stage and the lowest specified suction pressure corresponding to each load step.
6.4.2 Rod load reversal
For all specified operating load conditions, the axial component of the combined rod load shall reverse enough to ensure adequate lubrication between the crosshead pin and bushing during each complete turn of the crankshaft.