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ISO 15664:2001 pdf download

ISO 15664:2001 pdf download.Acoustics – Noise control design procedures for open plant.
— to protect the environment;
to prevent annoyance to the neighbouring community.
Noise limits can be given for each of the above aspects of noise control, relative to certain areas inside or outside the plant. For the purposes of this International Standard, they are referred to as “general noise limits”. They are specified in clause 5.
Noise limits for each item of equipment shall be derived from the general noise limits, as applicable for the equipment in its specific position in the plant. These are commonly referred to as “equipment noise limits”. Procedures for deriving equipment noise limits are specified in clause 6.
Each potential noise source shall be subject to the requirements of this International Standard.
Authorities may enforce obligations to reduce noise levels as far as reasonably practicable. Recommendations for noise limits may be found in national or International Standards, e.g. ISO 11690-1 (work place), ISO 9921-1 (speech communication) and ISO 1996 series (environment).
The specified limits shall be met for the design operating conditions of the plant. They shall also hold for other operating conditions which occur occasionally, such as start-up, shutdown, regeneration and maintenance, unless specified otherwise by the end-user and agreed with the contractor. The only requirement for emergency situations (i.e. any conditions other than just described) which can be foreseen or predicted (e.g. relief valve operation) is that the absolute limit specified in 5.1 .2 shall not be exceeded.
The end-user may set specific noise limits applicable to the construction phase of the project. These limits may be set to meet environmental requirements.
This International Standard deals with noise from more or less stationary equipment. However, noise radiated from mobile noise sources, such as transportation vehicles (lorries, trucks, railway equipment) or mobile maintenance equipment, in the plant or workshops might have to be taken into consideration. Noise due to mobile sources is more important if relatively high numbers of vehicles are present near the boundaries of the plant, also because noise reduction is often hard to achieve for this type of source. Therefore parties shall investigate whether or not this kind of transportation noise has to be considered as part of the noise control procedures.
The planning for and extent of the noise control engineering for a plant is based heavily on the project specification. It is always vital that all of the noise limits and any other noise requirements specified by the end-user be carefully and completely defined in the project specification. This is particularly true where more than one contractor is involved or where the plant (or part thereof) might be operated by other than the end-user or contractor. In addition to the noise limits, the project specification should include all applicable items from annex C.
This International Standard defines a number of specific tasks that may be performed during a project. These tasks are assigned an action item (Al, A2, A3, etc.). The responsibility for the execution of these action items is assigned to either the end-user or the contractor as stated in annex B, where a summary of the action items is included.
5 General noise limits (immission requirements)
5.1 In-plant noise
5.1.1 General
(Al) The end-user shall investigate all governing authority requirements with respect to noise in the plant, with respect to hearing conservation, speech and work interference, noise levels for accommodation, etc.
Noise limits are often based on noise exposure of workers. In that case work patterns leading to noise exposure shall be agreed by the parties involved. Noise limits may also be based on maximum sound pressure levels for work areas.
Where there are no authority limits, the guidelines of lSO11690-1 and other International Standards should beconsidered.

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